Reapers, Grave Worms, Giant Squirrels, and More

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Eitadi an the gang went into the woods, they made it to the deepest part where they say the Reapers. Meta Knight said Reapers are a great source of exp. They wait just like last time, but the ground starts shaking. Eitadi and the gang jumps into the trees. What they didn't expect was the tree to try to attack them. Wispy Woods, a living tree that attacks trespassers, had awaken from his sleep. He was enraged and started shaking vigorously. Everyone fell out of the tree when Grave Worms surfaced and surrounded them. Meta Knight quickly comes up with a strategy, but gets injured because he sat there thinking instead of dodging. Fenni runs off with Meta Knight, taking him to safety before mor damage is done. Eitadi jumps on Dragunov's back and they fly in the air. Dragunov starts charging up his fire, then suddenly Smokey the Bear appears and tells Dragunov about the dangers of forest fires. Eitadi quickly looks through his bag when he find a Nova Fruit. He inhales it, jumps down, inhales the Grave Worms and Wispy Woods, and finally he stops inhaling. The gang cheered while more Grave Worms were on the way. Eitadi, Dragunov, Anthro, and Chris quickly flee the forest. They decide to find another place to train since the Forest monsters are too OP for them to train. Eitadi suggests the gang go to Lake Ugly-Fishies. When the gang arrives a Red Gyrados appears and uses twister. They decide the Lake monsters are too OP and look for another place. After 2 days of almost getting killed, they go back to the Bandits Castle, where they see guarding the door, Bruiser. Bruiser has Totally Epic Legendary Uber Armor, although he is outnumbered, it would be dangerous to go in careless. They wait behind a hill until Meta Knight comes up with a foolproof plan. Eitadi turns around only to see a group of Reapers about to attack. They flee back to the base but are surprised to see another unknown enemy at the base. A Giant Squirrel is ravaging the base. As much as Eitadi and the gang want to beat the squirrel up, it is illegal to kill Giant Squirrels due to them going endangered somehow. The meet up at Meta Knight's house where everyone is choking on dust particles. They immediately decide to clean Meta Knight's dusty house first, then worry about the Giant Squirrel later. And so the gang cleans...

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