We are better than that ?!?, Clean the house

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A/n: yea yea, after a long updates.
Im back !! sorry guys, im quite put my attention to my 2nd book .

Idk if this chap gonna make sense but less go !!🕊️🕊️
‼️My shitty ass doesnt remember much what law/kidd say their crew's name, so this gonna be quite nonsense but bare w it my pweety readers 😻👌‼️

Idk if this chap gonna make sense but less go !!🕊️🕊️-----------------------------------------------------------‼️My shitty ass doesnt remember much what law/kidd say their crew's name, so this gonna be quite nonsense but bare w it my pweety read...

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(A/n: yea yea whatever i forgot their name 😔🤞)


Normal pov

In the submarine of Heart Pirates

It was 10 am in the morning, as the Heart Pirates crew were finding place to hide their big-small size of submarine, before went to the blue sunny town to buy some supplies for their everyday foods.

"Bepo- ya. U, Penguin and Shachi will go buy some foods at the town....."
Law said waiting for his crew movement




Law raised a brow, with a confusion on his face.

"What r u waiting for ?! GO !! Or do u want me to teleported u guys, huh ?!?"
The two boys and one bear flinched then quickly salute at their captain, muttering 'sorry'.

Law shakes his head then asking.

"What else do u want ?"

Law eyes boringly stare at the bear who was sweating nervously while touching its nape.

"C-captain, im sorry to ask this but where will you go t-then?"
Law furrowed his eyebrow before putting on long sigh, shaking his head as 'no' before turn his body into opposite directions. His hand wave as a signal for the three to move.

"B-but captain, you shoul-"
Bepo stop talking after he saw Law glare at him.

Penguin and Shashi put their hand on Bepo shoulder saying that its not use asking their Captain.

Afterall 'he' is a 'captain', so he wont get lost.......right ?

As Jean Bart and ikkaku took care of the submarine. They both also wonder where their captain might be going.

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