what the creatures/zombies would look like

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I'm using angel cake as an example on how would it look like,, since... Their were.. the second or third one to be scratched?.. yeah here

Here it is!!Some info on this, uh virus, it doesn't bite but it does scratches, the infected will go slow on its prey

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Here it is!!
Some info on this, uh virus, it doesn't bite but it does scratches, the infected will go slow on its prey. Slowly killing them ig and turning them into that 😀
They will creep on behind its victim, since their mouth is shut and not making any noise
Always check your surroundings if it's too quiet.

Oh yeah, if there's any object with no arms, the virus will grow an arm for them, nice (lol not that nice, messed up I mean-) and sharp 👍

Their speed is uh,, medium? They are not that fast.
Yeah, that's it.

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