Foot x Foot

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Right foot x Left foot

Top Right foot or sum

Why the fuck am I doing this...


Left-Foot Kun's POV:

Pressure was relived off of me, the shoe... it was being taken off. My vision was still off as the black and musty sock was still on. I had been stood on, I was being forced to move too much today... causing me to smell like a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Icky... 

Then the sock came off, the light was brighter than I remembered... I had been trapped in this fucking sock for two days. THIS MAN DIDN'T FUCKING SHOWER EVER. I blinked as my 'eyes' burned in agony. I then felt a soft, tingly bump of skin brush against mine, feeling my heel tingle up in response. That bump was familiar... Right-Foot Chan's bump. God, Right-Foot Chan was so dreamy and fine. 

"Hey," said Right-Foot Chan sexily.

I blushed, feeling myself sweat profusely.

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hey..." I squeaked out like the little baka I am.

"I think we're about to go into the shower~" Right-Foot Chan winked as he smirked at me.

I look up and see the shorts and boxers of the man moving down, I look around. The shower was on, I blushed as I looked back at my Senpai.

About fucking time.

"I-I- think you're right..." I say in a flustered voice, what was he smirking about? It made me wonder... could he seriously like me?

"I know I'm right. I always am, that's why I'm the right foot... heh," Right-Foot senpai winked at me again. 'So sexy...' I thought to myself. 

"Y-y-y-yeah... you might be..." I quietly said, wiggling my toes shyly.

"U-UwU..." I mumbled, looking away.

"Huh?" Right-Foot Chan said so deamily.

"Oh!! N-n-n-nothing..." I stammered out cutely.

A few minutes of actually now being fucking clean and free from those shitty socks.

We got out of the shower and my fucking god Right-Foot Chan smelt so good, I wanted him so badly.

"Cutie..." Right-Foot Chan mumbled to himself, I felt myself go red as my toes wiggled again.

He smirked, I laughed softly.

"Wh-w-w-wh-whatever are you saying?" I say shyly, my long toenails scratched the carpet slightly. Although... I loved it

"Nothing~" Right-Foot Chan winked at me, and I blushed. My toes wiggled a little more as I looked away from him.

(Let's time skip to in the bed when the human is asleep because we need that smut)

Right-Foot Chan's POV:

I watched as Left-Foot Kun lay close to me, asleep. God, I loved Right-Foot Kun. Their yellowish heel, the skin flakey, the long brown toenail that scratched the floor.

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