Chapter 2 - The Frame And The Fridge

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Friday, May 15, 2022
Los Angeles, CA
Backroads of LA
4:34 PM
->With The Recent Capture of (Y/N), The Anti-Rain Team Heads Back To Their Outpost... Though In Awkward Silence, As The Girls And (Y/N) Were Collectively Lost In Thought. Each One Aligning To What Fate (Y/N) Will Meet And They All Hope For Something Good.


"..." The only noise amongst the group was the hum of the Technical's engine. Star occasionally looks to the knees of (Y/N), seeing his nervousness and fear in his twitching fingers clasped together, which made her unknowingly frown. M4 kept looking at his face more after seeing his eyes prior, she doesn't feel infected so she kept testing her boundaries, though it also made her frown seeing the desolation hanging in his eyes as he stared into the floor. M16 kept her eyes to the window, taking in the scenery but no matter how much she tried, the silence ate her up inside. RO glanced from the road and the rearview mirror more times than she could count, she didn't know why but she feels off about this whole predicament. Contrary to everyone else's feelings, the blond with red streaks, upfront with RO, was just as peppy as ever, cloud gazing and not paying anything mind... And G11 was snoozing in the truck bed, the outside winds hardly bothering her sleep.

"..." Biting her lip, M4 undid the bandanna around her neck and moved closer to (Y/N), catching the attention of Star and M16. She started cleaning up (Y/N)'s face by wiping up the blood, sweat, and tears he shed earlier. (Y/N) was confused, but grew into the show of kindness, now slightly believing their words about no harm being brought to him. "I-Is that better...?" She asked, though rather close to his face.

"U-Uh... Yeah..." (Y/N) turned his head away from her, and looked to the floor. "Thank you..."

"M4?" M16 placed a hand on her shoulder and slightly tugged her away from (Y/N). "Be careful now. We don't know how potent the infection is yet, but it must be pretty bad if it controls C-Dolls like that. Distance yourself, please." M4 nodded and scooted back over to M16, keeping her eyes off of (Y/N).

Though (Y/N) was now having new thoughts, ones he needed answers for. "Infection? I... Got those C-Dolls sick? That can't be possible... Can it?"

Star looked to him, though not in his face. "Of course you did, you're the one that made the hacking program to do so."

"N-No I didn't! I didn't even know that was possible until now! Plus, I don't know shit about doll hacking! Or hacking in general! I'm literally only in General Education and I'm barely passing in that for Christ's sake! Wait... Is that why you guys kidnapped me?! Cause I'm telling you, I'm being framed! I have no knowledge about any of this!" (Y/N) pleaded with them again, this time trying to prove his innocence.

"Even if what you said is true..." (Y/N) looked to M16 waiting for her words. "We're just following orders. Our and your words won't hold much meaning to the person that paid us to bring you in... We.. We have no choice in the matter, just doing what we're made for..."

"Made... For? Wait... Your name is M16." (Y/N) then looked to the girl that helped clean his face. "You were called M4. The girl in the back was called G11... And then... RO and... St.. Ar... Possibly apart from the blonde chick, That's all names and abbreviations for guns! Are all of you... Dolls?"

The girls took a minute before one of them replied, which was ST-AR. "And what's it to you? You gonna look at u-"

"No..." The girls seemed a little shocked by the quickness in his answer, even RO paid him a little more attention than the road. "Why would I?... Well, exempting the part you all fucking kidnapped me." The girls turned their heads away in slight shame. "But other than that major red flag, I really couldn't give a shit if you were or not... I mean, take those C-Dolls for example back at my colleg- Or... Well, most likely used to be my college. If the faculty didn't tell me otherwise, I would've thought they were monotonous sextuplets. They're human enough for me." St-ar finally looked at his face, finding a lot of solace in his words, never knowing how repressed she felt about the matter of Human views on look-a-like dolls until this man next to her said that she's accepted in his eyes for the most part. She wasn't supposed to look into him, due to how she stalked (Y/N) and saw the C-Dolls get infected just by viewing his face... But at that moment of time, her resistance vanished and she took in his beaten and defeated complexion. Other than slightly growing a red hue on her cheeks, she didn't feel much different. 

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