Part 25 : Love & Care

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🎼I close my eyes andthe flashback starts...🎼


"Are you sleeping?"

"What do you think, laying like this on couch, seems like I am dancing."
I said with cold and sarcastic voice but eyes still cold.

"No if you want to sleep, then sleep with me by my side, on same bed?"

"What???......What the fu*k did you just said?"
I said getting up, sitting straight on the couch.

"I see you have started abusing too much."

"It's my mouth, OK? And I am not coming in same bed with a cheater."

"What if someone comes in and kill me, without any noise and you don't even got to know about it."

"OK then I am not sleeping, I will be awake staring at you. Just sleep."

"I didn't mean, you should take good sleep."

"Just sleep Mr."

"But y/n---"

"OK then you don't sleep, then let me sleep."

"OK I am sleeping."

I sighed and my eyes were fixed at him sleeping tight. Not so soon my eyes become heavy. It was getting closed slowly.....I....... Am...... Very sleepy..............................

Taehyung's POV :

I couldn't sleep knowing that y/n is awake. I was worried for her. I shouldn't have asked her to sleep beside me.

Wait why she is in my room, she is my bodyguard right? Then how can she sleep in any client's room. It's me then it's OK but if the client is a bad man. She shouldn't sleep here in my room. But what if she slept because it's me..... Nah! it is literally not possible...... Maybe bodyguards have their own ways. I will ask about it to her tomorrow.

I heard some light snores, I turned to see Y/N sleeping, but she was uncomfortable, Her legs were hanging down and her head was leaning to couch side which was indeed uncomfortable.

I got up and went to her and gently smiled. I slowly kept her leg on the couch comfortably and moved her head slightly. I saw her face and she was smiling. She recognized my touch even in sleep.

I took a blanket and was covering her when my eyes landed on her waist which was visible a little. It was a mark, kind of operation mark. I got worried.

That Mark shows that it wasn't a simple delivery of Taehee. She suffered a lot of pain. Ofc. She was only 21 when she gave birth... Too young to be a mother. Still she managed everything in proper way.

"I am sorry y/n, not because of that day, because I know that it wasn't my fault. I am sorry because at the moment when a woman needs her man the most. I was not by your side. You suffered all pain all alone. I was not by your side at that moment when you needed me the most.... I am sorry."

I said to her sleeping figure. I stared at her for few then fully covered her with blanket and left to sleep on my bed.

Next day

Jimin's POV :

"I am sorry Rosé, yesterday I came here but you were busy with your surgery."

"Will you just leave from here Mr. Taehyung or can I call you cheater."

"You had promised me that you will let me explain if any misunderstanding will be there between us."

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