Part 42 : Accident

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Kim Taehyung's POV

I was driving to airport, I didn't had any driver as they will come later to fetch car from airport with Jennie along with all office stuffs. Jimin will stay here only, handling this branch and also the another reason he has his girlfriend who can't shift to Las Vegas. So he decided to stay here.

I was missing y/n terribly. I wanted to see her how bad. As the destination wedding spot was on my way to airport, my head automatically turned towards it in hope to take a glimpse of her.

And I can see many people gathered on the big open ground but no y/n.

I focused on driving, my heart was aching. I decided to think about other things.

I was drunk, yet sober last night and proposed Jennie for marriage and to my surprise she accepted it this morning. We decided after settling in Las Vegas we will be getting married there. I will... Move on From you Y/n???
It sounded more like a question.

After a couple of minutes driving.
My phone rang, I was about to silent it. I am not in a mood to talk. When I noticed the caller ID, My eyes went wide.

"Y/n" a whisper left my mouth reading the caller ID.

I was confused, shocked, happy, in short mixed up feelings.
I picked up the call, one hand on steering wheel and another holding phone to my ear.

"Hello" I said hoping she would reply, she didn't. My heart clenched.
"y/n are you there?"

I didn't heard any reply but something which made me sure that she is there. I heard her heavy breathing. I knew she won't speak anything so I continued.

"Y/n, I am sorry... For whatever I did to you... You deserve the happiness you are getting. Only one thing I will say... I never cheated you... Never... I love you"

"Tae---" I was on cloud nine listening her voice but frowned soon.

Before call hung up I heard Taehee's voice calling her.

Now my focus was only in my phone dialing her number and I forgot that I am driving.

I dialed her number and was about to press green button when I saw from corner of my eye something appearing from front. I looked up from phone and it was a car driving in wrong way. Seems like he did it on purpose as he didn't applied brake or took a turn.

My eyes widened and phone fell from my hand. I gripped the steering wheel with my both hands and turned towards left. Because of a sudden turn when car was on speed, My car got hit on a big tree.

My head hit the steering wheel with a loud thud and front glass mirrors broke and hit my face causing bruises. my ankle got hurt between breake and acceltar.

I heard a big splash of water.

With some left energy I saw that car fell from the bridge and sank into the lake beside. Before passing out last I saw was a big crowd around my car and some men peeking through bridge where the car fell.

Slowly my eyes went closing. Is it my end?
I am a failure.
Failed in Love.
Failed in Life.

"I love you y/n."

Kim Hana's POV

I reached to New York. And Las Vegas flight was 1 hour later. I quickly booked a taxi and told him to drive to his address that his mother gave me. I kept my eyes outside window.

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