Chapter 2

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The rest of the day had been peaceful, considering I didn't have any other classes with Ian.

Victoria thinks it's a good idea to bring him, Jordan didn't exactly get along with him and I knew Ian thought Jordan was an idiot. I'm starting to consider it.

Vic and I were driving home the moment so we can get ready for work. We work at the bar because we can walk there from our house, we make amazing tips, and it's pretty easy until guys won't leave us alone.

Since I didn't have time to get completely ready this morning, I decided to just restart and shower. I pull my hair out of the very messy bun, and stripped down before turning the water on to almost the hottest it could go.

I stepped in, and started dancing, music blaring out of my speaker, without a care in the world.

I finished washing my body and hair and stepped out, quickly wrapping my towel around my body. I changed and then flipped my hair up in the towel. I applied mascara, and put some eyeliner on my waterline, combed my brows and applied some chapstick so the cold wouldn't dry them out.

I removed the towel from my hair and combed through it, scrunching my hair with some shea butter so my curls would stay without poofing up, and adjusted the light green t-shirt so it'd be tucked in my black jeans. I added my black baseball cap, knowing it'd stir some of the customers up because they will try and argue that the team on my hat sucks.

What can I say? I'm always down for a little argument. I walked out of my room and downstairs, grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Well you sure can clean up well when you wake up and have enough time too." Vic said with a little laugh.

I flipped her off and took another drink of my water. I checked out her outfit, it was similar to what she had worn to school, but changed her shoes and then switched into light wash jeans instead of leggings. With a dark blue long sleeve shirt that had Michigan written across the front.

"You look good too, ready to get hit on?"

"Yep," she mumbled as we locked the house up and made our way to work.

The walk was only 5 minutes, but those five minutes were very cold, considering all I had grabbed was my hoodie.

Work moved pretty quickly, so far only one argument about my hat, which was sad but probably for the best.

Today was really popular on bourbon and whiskey, which is weird, usually it's beer. I'm not complaining though, means people order more expensive drinks.

Work was continuing to go great when Ian showed up with his friend Ryan. Vic and Ryan had dated a couple months ago, but he dumped her on their 6 month anniversary, we later found out he was cheating the whole time and the other girl made him choose and he chose the good time over the girl who was falling more and more in love with him everyday.

I nodded to Vic telling her I would take them not her. She worded a thank you before going to the complete opposite side of the bar. "Hey Ian, you Stalking me now?" I said with a fake smile.

"No, Ryan here asked me to come get drinks with him tonight to celebrate."

"Dare I ask what he's celebrating?" I said entirely to Ian not even sparing a glance at Ryan.

"It's his 24th birthday!" He said flashing a smile.

At this point I turn to look at Ryan, staring dead into his eyes. "Shouldn't you be going and celebrating with that fake ass bitch you cheated with?"

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