SEVENTEEN | Fire of Longing

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"teri nazron ne kuch aisa jadoo kiya."


THE refulgent shaft of light spilling from the ball of fire dominating the azure sky clashed with his dark orbs as he emerged out of the direful place he had spent the erstwhile day and night in.

With dishevelled hair, eyes red like angry skies and his traits warped into a callous frown, Haider swam down the front stairs of the Police Station. His navy blue coat hung on his right arm as he took long strides towards his car, not paying heed to the man sporting a black blazer chasing behind him.

When Haider's steps halted in front of the vehicle; the figure behind him finally caught up and plowed his panting frame before him.

"Haider," his lawyer began once his breathing steadied. "I'm really sorry for not-"

"Mr Nasir," Haider interrupted in a venomous tone―his obsidian eyes narrowing fatally, "Your useless, good-for-nothing presence isn't required anymore. Don't show me your face ever again."

The acidic edge to his command and his virulent gaze made the lawyer's frame go rigid and he lowered his eyes.

"Don't take it out on him, Haider."

His father's voice echoed from behind, making him acquit the lawyer from his ire-laden stare. Swerving around, he came across his father's scowling figure standing next to him.

"Thank you for your assistance, Nasir. You may leave now," his father stated in a grateful tone.

The lawyer nodded with a cautious smile, avoiding meeting Haider's gaze and scurried ahead.

"24 hours!" Haider rumbled, running his hand frustratingly through his hair. "I had to spend 24 hours in this goddamn place all because of that lawyer's ineptness!"

"Because of his ineptness or your recklessness?" Khawar Ali Khan raised a mauling brow. "It's because of Nasir's effort that they didn't throw you in jail and kept you in the inquiry room till I could reach the CM and have you released."

Haider sewed his lips into a tight line and turned his head to the side, grinding his jaw.

"Why, just why did you kidnap and beat up that police officer?" his father exploded.

Haider's gaze returned to his father―the dark depths of his eyes suddenly alight with unbridled resentment as he snarled, "Galti hogayi. Maarna nahi, balkay jaan se maar dena chaiye tha us Zain ko!"

"Have you lost your mind?" Khawar Ali Khan yelled. "I just got to know he's the son of IG!"

An ephemeral glitter of surprise dyed his traits before his blasé attitude returned and he bit out, "So? I couldn't care less about it, Dad."

"My god," His father groaned, shaking his head in irritation. "It's all because of that girl you've become so imprudent, Haider!"

An inexplicable emotion flashed in the onyx realm of his eyes at the mention of her. "Iman," he whispered darkly. "I want to meet her-"

"Don't you dare!" His father cut him off in a thundering warning. "Haven't we been insulted enough because of her!? Forget about her. We have no relationship with those Bakhtiyars from now on!"

His father's declaration made lines appear on his forehead as his pronounced brows winged. "But, Dad-"

"No buts!" Khawar lifted a sharp finger. "We cannot risk our reputation any further. Have you forgotten about the multi-million contract you're signing next week with an international client and how significant it is for your career? Do you realize what would happen if the press got wind of your trip to the police station?"

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