"The first dream."

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(i recomend to hear the interstellar music while reading this )

   I dont know were i am now...if i am awake or a sleep...but you are probably ask what i am talking about.You see....before a while i cant tell when i was back froma  very tiring day at home.Usually I'm full of energy and happy but today...i ate and went staright to bed wich made my parents a lot worried.But before they could ask me anything i was already sleeping.I remember feeling kinda dizzy and weird.I knew something was about to happen.But something like a illness or something.But..oh boy was i wrong.Let me explain how it all started......I woke up.But so i thought.I looked out from the window and both the moon and the sun were litting up.For a moment i was like"it's a solar eclipse oh my god"But both the moon and the sun didnt move.I went straight to my parents but no one was there.After i went at the living room.The clock wasnt there and then it hit me.Am I dreaming?But i have never been able to think or feel anything in any of my dreams.It just felt real like A LOT real.Then i checked a last time outisde.The sun and the moon where there.I pinched my self.But nothing worked.I was panicaded and went to my bed to fall asleep and wake up in the real world.I dont know how much time passed.I heard some voices.I woke up immideadly.....I WAS IN A DIFFERENT ROOM!But everything seemed old and dirty.I soon realized that i was in 1900.In a freaking village!!I went at the living room and stared at the villagers wich at that time were having breakfast.I felt confident and talked to them.But no response.They were not even looking at me.Like i was invisible   .

   My legs were shaking.I just stood there and listening to them talking.My brain was going to explode.I could give a explaination of what was really happening to me.But i was on to a bigger shock.A second before i was ready to go and sleep again the door opened and i saw him....my grand grandpa!I have seen him in some photos at my house.But wait a sec i thought.DID I JUST TRAVELLED IN TIME??This cant be aa dream!It just cant be !I cried my eyes out!I dont know the reason i just felt lost and helpless.Did i die??Did i lost my mind?Was i in a come?Wait??Coma...i have heard of people saying something called....astrotravelling!!So the only explaination is that I am in a coma??But that isnt true right?Astrotravell means that you can see what others are doing right now while you are in a come.But not in the past.Reeady the next part :)

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