"The next...."

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       So i thought that i changed reality by sleeping.So i dicided to go and sleep again to see what will happen.But knowing that i will probably wake up somewhere else i couldnt even close my eyes.Finnaly after looking at the seeling for over an hour i fell asleep.But instead of waking up i heard some voices.But some familiar ones..."She is in a coma for over 2 months but her brain restores the damage prefectly".WHAT ON EARTH? I thought.And that was the moment i understood that i was in a coma for real!!"so i will wake up soon right?I can hear so..."But things werent like that.When you are in a come and can hear voices you can sleep again even if you look like sleeping sometmes your hearing is awake.So for an other time i slept.The voice from the same doctor woke me up"This is a test to see if she is brain dead"WHATTTTTTTTTT??i AM NOT BRAIN DEAD PLEASE DONT....You know what happens to brain dead people...I DIDNT WANTED TO BE A DONOR I AM ALIVE!I was trapped in my body.....So after they did a scan or something to me they figured out that i could hear them al this time.Seven doctors were there and when they saw it on their screen they flew off their chairs and come to me.They explained everything and they told me "We now that you probably are pnicaded but everything is okey we know that you're alive".

     I was sooooooooo relieved!The last thing i heard before waking up was"This medecine may wake her up".I think that three hours passed.I pressured my self sooo much to make a move to show them that i was getting better and better.And i did it!!!!All the people around me started to screaming from joy.I heard some of my friends voices.But suddendly everything want silent and I felt like falling down.I lost every hope.This would never end.I cant do it .I CAN'T!I felt going crazy.I could think hear somethimes feel my hands and now....nothing."Her brain decided to stay in a coma for over a year so she can repear the damage completely.She is going to wake up soon we are very positive".WAIT WAS I IN 2023?I think my heart beats started going up because the machine that made this "bib bib" sound was going fast like crazy.Read the next part :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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