chapter 4 great awakening

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Horns playing  loudly humans dashes around a girl walks forth outside looking up into the sky in the future  her short brown hair flows down her back as she looks up her heart pounds booming sounds everyone dashes a glowing large orb forms shooting light into people as they scream her eyes sparkles the awakening many turn to her its happening horns blast people running the chosen ones looks up at the large angel with eyes looking at them shooting light and power the girl felt a burning tingling pain through out her  body her knees buckles under her the horns blast loudly  she felt her body change shape as her large plus body became slender her short hair now long as she looks up at the angel no fear came to her as she smiles brightly figures from the sky walks above the clouds walking down a few runs to them seeing the dead rushing to their love ones her eyes shuts as a voice she longs to hear looking up seeing her family hugging her she cries out happily hugging them tightly  mama a voice fills her ears she saw a little boy running to her with a girl her body falls down the kids hugs her tightly warmth as her furr children roar died laughter happyniess fills her heart of love she looks up seeing the gods smile I'm glad they smiled she notice Jesus she gets up running to hug him he laughs loudly hugging her back happily kissing her cheek my child all turns to him hugging her tightly  another portal opens they turned fast to the glowing light of ships flying through the portals light elves helping then out    the girl wakes up screaming in pain her head lowers shaking her wrist chained up shaking her long hair dangles as her head slumps forward wevkilled your family little goddess a evil being grips her chin laughing loudly time to die she quivers shaking as she looks up I don't fear death I know my family can't be killed   a glowing blade stabs the demons chest as it screams catching on fire princess a man's voice shouts rushing over he had lion ears and a tail leon she whispers he helps supports her body with his own i know they are gone my lady you did well in your dream state to pass the time for us to aid you we got the blade that captures your family light seeds she weakily slumps to him her fingers touches the blade leon my power is fading she whispers its Been 90 trillion years her hand slumps beside her leon cries no your love light my star my light is fading auntie she touches the earth's sand fire blowing up lava pouring down around them she is dying let us die leon cries no you can't see touches her hand on the soil I think it's best I go her voice was soft light he screams looking up at the moon crumbling the sun fading no he whispers go she speaks softly save the other gods I did what I could  her body trembles leon stands up lifting the youngest goddess up walking forward to the ships I won't leave you please she cries loudly he holds her close to his chest laying her down on the bed he holds the blade close to her body please he cries your the best goddess don't die he cries the others watches her weak frame crumble under them he cries loudly princess he screams her lips softly kisses the blade in comming home  mother father  her faint flickering light soon went out the knights screams the ship rises the earth under them blows up  the whole earth crumbles the sun collapse they turn teleported away  the ship hurries from the blast the knights falls down all life will die he cries loudly  the light elves sings loudly to their goddess leon slumps down go home princess anubis and your family awaits you he cries softly into her neck  screaming crying everyone kneels down  soon a large booming sounds planets crumbling as they watched sun's collaping galaxy falling down. Vanishing  he looks up why fate why he screams out  rainbows flashes before him as he soon stands in a field of flowers a butterfly flaps before his eyes he looks down then up seeing midnight laughing talking with his comrads midnight he runs to them they turned and smile running to him mayleen turns her head slowly holding her younger sister alyce in her arms  they both smile welcome home leon others run to him as he laughs loudly running to them he stops seeing  his
Lady his eyes sparkles  looking at her turning her head with  a warm gentle smile hey leon she waves her hand welcome home his eyes sparkles she was sitting on a blanket  with her lover anubis  his eyes looks up   what happened  a tall figures walks forth new life new creations will start over again meaning he speaks we never die lad just reborn time time again over over  he laughs the universe is being reborn no more evil so all must die gods reborn to evolved he laughs you are bound to meet each other again each time the evil fades away until nothing but peace he walks off leon turns his head is this real is any of this real  z walks forth gripping his hand hey buddy he punches his arm gently look at this new soul being its called a human leon looks down why do I have a feeling I seen this creature before  the world glitches no he speaks noooooo the world he was in freezes as he stops this is not real he screams his  surroundings shatters  soon the blade cracks the demon turns his head what he cries out lucifers eyes widen noooooo the blade cracks into shattering pieces all the demons eyes widen all the gods goddess standing before them over the years light seeds kucifer backs up no no that blade is supposed to keep you in that blade how Heather walks forth and alyce  their anubus stands behind them capturing gods in diffrent  realities it ends now who shattered the blade he looks around a voice echos I did he turns his head nayleen little sister stands on a mountain edge  her hair whipping around her as she pulls back a arrow she smirks z stands behind her with her knights light arrow she fires it kucifers eyes opens as her light arrow flies fast hitting  the black orb stattering it angels sings shoutting as light seeds behind her dashes around her and animals I don't need God powers to defeat evil she speaks her sisters looks up in shocked horror angels flies behind her attacking the demons her mother father hurries to her  as they stop their child was not the same they could tell the loving child battled alone with out love  she was both light darkness  but most of all her love was  gone her beloved betrayed her they could see it in their eyes so much death she witness she was numb a hard wall around her the question could they save her  from all the sins she took into her all by herself as she was fighting alone  can she love once again  is she to far gone her  sisters looks at her in shock horror she sighs  walking to them as she walks slowly ignoring them all she sits down sneering at her sisters lovers in disgust  her grandfather smiles my child don't you want love love she laughs what love you guys don't love me you abandon me watched me suffer alone you guys gave up abandon me she spits to the ground in disgust you all abandon me just be happy I saved you all I'm leaving she walks off her men fallows her alyce mayleen jugs her tightly she stands still is that all she laughs I don't have time she walks off God Jesus slumps down crying none of us helped her he cries the other gods looks down her lover her mate betrayed her the gods relized  what they did to her abandon her on earth for centuries her mate abandon cheated on her no wonder why she was so cold to them all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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