chapter five.

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police car magic !

    SCOTT'S MOM SAT before him, a warm cup of coffee placed between her hands as she smiled kindly

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    SCOTT'S MOM SAT before him, a warm cup of coffee placed between her hands as she smiled kindly. She looked comfortable, with her brown hair in a bun and a fuzzy jumper placed over her shirt. Eros fidgeted in his seat as he held his own cup of raspberry tea. Scott could only watch the situation play out before him, mind you very anxiously, at their interaction. It was silent for a couple of tense seconds before Ms. Mccall spoke, breaking the silence.

"I'll gladly let you stay here and of course, as well as enroll you into school," Eros relaxed immensely at her words, "but, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your family? Why are you here all alone?"

"Mom," Scott whispered aggressively as he shot her a pointed look, like he had told her not to ask questions. It made Eros's chest tighten and his lip quiver.

"I'm sorry Scott, but I need to ask these questions," she sighed before looking at Eros's expression and softening, "you don't need to tell me, but I would like to know."

Scott gave an encouraging smile and patted his back, he could hear the sprites beating heart, "um, my parents died in a c-car crash and I don't have any other family members, we were staying in a cabin close by".

The lie slipped off his tongue with hesitation and guilt at lying to the women kindly taking him in. Scott had told him what to say if anyone asked, a tragic car crash. Though it was true he didn't have any other family members. Scott's mom smiled softly, a somber expression as she placed her hand on top of his.

"I'm sorry for your loss," she offered as she squeezed his much larger hand reassuringly, "I'll call the school and let them know that you're going to enroll, I'll make sure you start tomorrow with Scott".

"Thanks mom, you're the best!" Scott grinned as he leaned over the table and hugged her tight. She laughed as she hugged him back and Eros's heart hurt a bit at the sight.

"Thanks, Ms. McCall," he spoke softly, the words barely loud enough for the human to hear.

"It's no problem kid, and call me Melissa," she laughed as she stood from the table, moving around it to hug him, "you're welcomed here".

Scott only added to the hug, and Eros felt warm, He cried a little as he relaxed into the group hug, Melissa was really an angel, "thank you".

"MRS. ARGENT, CAN we get a few words? Just a few words!" a reporter called out as they aggressively shoved microphones and cameras into the Argents faces, "A few words, Mrs. Argent!"

"Hold it, hold it," the sherif called out against the noise of people trying to get an interview with the Argents, he used his arms to push the reporters back and away from the grieving family, "hold it, that's it!"

This funeral wasn't a quiet one, with the deafening sound of cameras snapping and people shouting. Eros felt bad for the family, though he didn't feel much else as he didn't really understand what was happening. Scott didn't explain much as he was hurrying out the door and dragging Eros with him.

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