Unfinished Characters

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Araqiel, geomancy
Kokabiel, able to shoot energy beams
Batariel, has aquakinesis
Ananiel, ventokinesis
Gabriel, strength and speed and durability
Netzach, with the ability to stop people's perception of time in a field around them
Ophaniel, who has different powers depending on the phases of the moon. When full, he has energy blasts, as well as a combination of every other power, when waxing gibbous has super strength, waxing half has durability, waxing crescent can create a sword out of energy, new moon has nothing, waning gibbous has super speed, waning half has regeneration and a powerful healing factor, waning crescent can create armor out of energy.
Phanuel, can change their appearance at will
Yomiel, has super strength depending on the time of day.
Zadkiel, has superhuman agility
Zaphkiel, superhuman intelligence
Abraxas, original name unknown, founder of the Judgement Project, lives outside of the timeline
Dantalion, can manipulate people's emotions and values
Amaymon, with acid generation and poison manipulation
Ziminiar, with bone manipulation
Corson, with the ability to read thoughts
Eligos, a tactical genius and brilliant diplomat
Bathin, with healing abilities and nature magic
Aamon, with the ability to create binding contracts

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