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All the little kids stood in a cold dark room huddled together. They were all taken from Brightmoon Orphange. Terrified and cold. The lights suddenly turn on, before them stands rows of different kids in different ages in what looks like an arena, they look tougher. Their faces void of emotions. A teenager walks to them glaring at all of them. "Welcome to the Crimson waste." She threw a bunch of knives and mini machetes infront of them. "Pick them up. Your first test begins now." All the kids cowered in fear. Adora quickly ran forward and grabbed a mini machete wanting to protect her friends. Catra bites her lip as she picks up two little knives. The woman who looks nasty smirks. "We got two live ones. I guess you two will fight first." Catra and Adora stare at each other wide eyed as the teenager shoves them to this glowing circle. "Fight!"

Catra and Adora stared at each other in panic. Neither of them moving. "Octavia! Do your job you insolent maggot." A tall slender woman with a red mask states, as she watches from above. Octavia jumps in her spot, before glaring at the two little kids. They gulp. Adora smiles at Catra. "Hey Catra, don't worry it's just me. We got this, charge at me."

Catra whimpers. "B-But if I hurt you, we're not going to be friends anymore." Catra whispers softly to Adora. Adora smiles and steps forward gently touching Catra's hand. "I am always going to be your friend." Catra pouts as she looks up at Adora. "No matter what." Adora whispers squeezing Catra's hand, Catra glances at their hands.

She then looks up at Adora with big watery kitty eyes. "Promise?" Adora smiles as she brings Catra in for a hug. Octavia yelling for them to let go immediately and fight, so Adora does. She backs up slowly. "I promise." She says back now a good distance from Catra. Catra takes a deep breath as she rushes forward at Adora with her knives, Adora's determined face in her view.

After that day their group became the most sort out warriors in the Crimson Waste. They trained everyday. They fought every week in their set pairs. They were the best and the brightest that Shadow Weaver ever brought in. Hordak was more then pleased with the results. And Adora and Catra were their paladins.


10 years later

The Crimson waste was lively. Tonight was fight night. But not just any fight night. It was Friday's last fight. The day they all look forward to. Kyle steps into the glowing circle as he smirks at the crowd. He raises his hand signaling the crowd to quiet down and they do. "Its time...the fight you have all been waiting for. The anticipation and excitement ends here tonight folks. Atleast until next week." A few people chuckle at Kyle's joke. "The Paladins! The Champions. The best of all of us!!! Adora and your current reigning Champion Catra!" Kyle steps off the circle and stands by Lonnie, Rogelio and Double Trouble.

Adora and Catra are now 15 years old. They are the top of their group and are always the final match of the day. The match everyone looks forward to if you will. Each of them have won a number of times throughout the years. They are practically tied at this point. Adora was in the lead for the past year, but this year Catra not only gained on her but over took her last month. Now Catra with one win in the lead compared to Adora who had 5 wins on her at a time. Adora has a title to regain and Catra has a title she will do anything to not lose. Adora steps onto the fight circle their friends, Their family cheering for them, as if they are in an illegal fight ring and bets are running. Mind you bets are definitely running. It's just in the Crimson Waste it's legal. When Catra steps onto the fight circle the crowd goes wild once again. Catra and Adora are still strong best friends. But the two can get pretty competitive during these matches, but they both know it never means they would ever truly turn on each other. So they have a rule in the circle, no feelings. They can't use anything against the other.

"Hey Adora" Catra purrs as she expertly moves her double bladed staff around smirking at Adora, she won their last match so she is still feeling pretty powerful. Adora smirks however. "Hey Catra...ready to give that title back to me?" Adora throws her machetes up in the air, the weapons spinning around before she catches them effortlessly. Catra snorts. "I would like to see you try princess."

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