A New Player Has Entered the Game

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Akaashi hadn't expected to hear bold words from his senior. Nor did he expect the floating rumors or the teasing words from his upperclassmen to be true.
Bokuto appeared childish. He was confident but pouted at the drop of a pin. Akaashi had only witnessed a few moments where Bokuto truly acted his age, or dare say, older. All of them were on the court. He never saw Bokuto in a relationship. That part was not in line with the rumors. And true. Bokuto Koutarou didn't date. Akaashi didn't understand at first, how so many people could be heartbroken over someone who acted so naive. He understood the appeal, without a doubt. Bokuto was drop-dead gorgeous. He was incredible at volleyball and cheered his teammates on despite how quickly he got a big head. And Akaashi had seen more than once how much he was hiding in the locker rooms. But he never expected this. Plenty of his classmates had said,

"don't you know? I heard he sleeps around"

"He's done the whole school apparently"

"I heard he even did it with some guys"

Lies. Akaashi was certain.

Bokuto dating was only slightly more believable, but it was hard to imagine him having sex. Well... not entirely hard for Akaashi to imagine. But after walking in on Bokuto pressing Konoha against the wall, making out sloppily and shoving his hands beneath his clothes, he believed the rumors.

Akaashi cursed under his breath while he dug through his bag and searched for his uniform pants. With a soft sigh, he turned on his heel and reentered the club room, thankful the door hadn't locked yet. The thought that someone was still inside only lingered in the back of his mind as he pushed open the door and headed towards the lockers.

Akaashi faltered.


He stopped in his tracks.

Was someone—?

Akaashi wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Who would do something so vulgar? Couldn't he wait to jerk off until he got home?

Akaashi shook his head and tried to make noise as he neared the corner, hoping who ever it was left would hear and stop.

"Wait—ah~Bo—ku... some—someone's—here ahn~!"

Akaashi heard quiet shushing, and decided he wasn't going to wait.

That was his first mistake.

Akaashi was floored by the sight.

Bokut Koutarou.


Had Konoha pinned against the lockers, hands gripping his waist and sliding under his shirt.

His lips were wet and red. He snagged Konoha's lip with his teeth and wedged his knee between his legs. Konoha moaned softly and Bokuto swallowed up the noise, shifting his hands to slip past the hem of Konoha's shorts and grope his ass. Konoha gripped Bokuto's shoulders, fisting his shirt and furrowing his brow while he groaned.


Konoha glanced to the side and his blush instantly disappeared. His eyes widened as he started to push Bokuto away.

"Bokuto—Bokuto, Akaashi is—"

Bokuto glanced over and met Akaashi's eyes. He didn't seem the slightest bit bothered. Instead he stared at the setter while kissing Konoha's throat.

"Fuck—stop," Konoha finally said anxiously. Bokuto sighed but stopped, pulling away and revealing a tent in his pants.

"'Kaashi won't tell anyone," Bokuto started, glancing at the second-year. "Right?" Akaashi blinked. His heart was racing. His cheeks were warm.

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