Where They Stayed

390 21 14

Kuroo drives you to the next town over, a much smaller town, and pulls into the lot of a half-empty, rundown motel.

"Here we are," he sighs as he puts the car in park. "We're staying here for the night."

"What?" you ask, confused, "But neither of us has any money. How do you expect us to pay for it? Just drive to some park or lot and we can sleep in the car. We could get towed here because of the car stickers, too..."

"God, shut up," Kuroo grumbles as he pulls the keys out of the ignition. "We're going to be fine here. Just go as I say and stay put for a minute. I'll be right back."

"But-" you begin as he reaches for the car door. However, when you see the angered look he shoots back as he turns around to tell you to 'shut the hell up', you cut yourself short. "Nothing..."

Kuroo sighs as he gets out of the car. You then watch through the rearview mirror as he opens up the trunk and searches for something. You can't quite tell what he's searching for, but once he finds it, he shuts and locks the car. You peek through the side mirror and see him pocket something before walking towards your door. And as he does, you stand up perfectly straight and stare dead ahead until he knocks on your window.

"Can I help you?" you grin cheesily as you roll the window down.

"Just stay here. I'll only be a few minutes."

"Okay," you nod. You roll up the window as he returns the gesture and walks in. You follow him with your eyes, wondering what the hell he put in his pocket that made him so damn confident. Is it a gun? Money? Whatever it is, you've got to find out eventually.

But as you wait, you grab the pile of new clothes you had gotten today and stare down the security tags. How are you supposed to even take these things off? You really didn't think this through.

However, you don't have enough time to come up with a plan as Kuroo's already walking back with a key swinging in his hand. He once more returns to the trunk before opening the driver seat door and smiling across at you.

"Get out, freeloader. We got a room."

Relieved that you don't have to sleep in the car and that there's going to be an actual toilet and shower where you're staying, you practically leap right out. However, you're still curious as to how the hell he paid for the room.

"Don't worry about it," he rolls his eyes when he notices the suspicious look you're giving him. "I just got it, okay?"

Kuroo grabs a backpack from the back seat as well as a baseball bat that's been stashed there.

"Whatever," you scoff at the ridiculous threat. "Let's just go inside."

While you walk around the car, your eyes glue to the suspicious trunk. As for Kuroo, he's too busy peeling off the bright orange and pink stickers on the car and tossing them into the garbage.

"What room?!" you call out to him as you walk towards the building.

"106! I'll be right there!" he replies, tossing you the keys.

You walk without him into a room that's only decorated with a chair, end table, and single bed. Your knuckles tense up as your tool of a companion walks right into the bed as though there's nothing out of the ordinary- as though you've shared a bed with him loads of times before.

He mindlessly walks right past you, tossing his baseball bat onto the bed before walking towards the bathroom. "Don't complain," he sings, "it's all they had. You can always go sleep in the car like you wanted!"

What an asshole.

You narrow your eyes at him, but before you can yell, he shuts the bathroom door. You groan and sit down on the bed, kicking off your shoes and letting your body flop backwards until you're laying with your face towards the ceiling. You then pull your phone out of your pocket and begin searching through google, attempting to search how to take the tags off your stolen clothes.

When Kuroo steps out of the bathroom, he calls your attention. "Yo, since I got us this place it's only fair I get the bed."

"Whatever," you groan, "It's all yours. I'll take the chair."

"Hm? You're free to join me though," he grins.

"I'll sleep with you when I'm dead," you smile back, still searching through your phone.

Kuroo nods as he sits down beside you on the bed. "It's a good thing I'm a serial killer then."

You put down your phone and look over at him properly. "You really gotta stop saying that. After that little stunt with getting us this room, I'm not entirely sure you aren't a murderer."

"Yeah, well, guess you'll find out if you don't wake up in the morning," he sighs, flopping down beside you.

"You know you're a complete douchebag, right?"

"Am I?" he hums. "I wouldn't say complete douchebag. I did save your life, after all. The least you could do is be nice to me."

"Touché," you grin.

"Anyway, Y/N," he calls, changing the conversation, "what were you looking at on your phone? You looked serious... or mad? If something's wrong, you should tell me. We are both in this bullshit together whether you like it or not."

"It's nothing," you shake your head. "I just can't figure out how to take that ink tag off my clothes without ruining them."

"Oh? That's it? Easy!"

He grabs your skirt and walks over to the half bathroom sink, half kitchen on the other side of the room where he works on taking off the tag. You think it's total bullshit that he'll be able to do anything, but just relax as he attempts to help. Besides, while he's busy he won't pester you about the bed.

{GETAWAY CAR} Kuroo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now