What can i do ?

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What can I do ? ..........................

What can I do?

to get over and I try not to think about it but I can't no matter how

hard I try to but I end up doing it ...

But it's looks like you got over me

Easily and I thought I was over you but I'm not ..

But I'm normally over guys easily but this time I'm not

Especially if it was my 1st love ........

You chose to do what they wanted you to do but that's what I don't get about you still,

you do what other people want you to do and not what your heart think is right for yourself but I get it ...

They come 1st and i come last .......

Now I feel like I don't matter to you

Like you don't care about me

Like you never would give me answers why you did this to me

Like you are ignoring me cuz it seems like it

I still have feels for you but you don't have feelings for me anymore cuz it's what you make it look like ..........

A friend told me why not secretly date? I thought no he would never do that ....

Cuz you would of thought of that already >.< which made me mad

Cuz if you still care about /love me

You would of told me that

But you didn't ......

I use to hate it when you said together forever .... I was beginning to believe it

I was going to call you and suprise you by say the three words cuz I was beginning to believe that there was someone out there for me and who loves me the way I am

I can't even remeber the last time a guy broke my heart that I cried over it until now :( ........

I tried that day when you broke - up with me not to think about shedding a tear

But on my best friend's shoulder I did .....

but now it's dumb for me to think that we would ever be together again cuz I know/ I doubt you wouldn't even try .. But that's you ....


, but I don't remember our last kiss or that we even had a last kiss ...........

I still remember everything we did ...

I think you forgot there was never an us ....... Cuz It seems like that to me.........

When my friends guessed what happen I didn't really speak

If you ever read this know that I miss us and you will always be in my heart

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