CH:1 Attacked.

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I feel the wind whip through my hair as I sit on a branch that is 50 feet in the sky. I smell the fresh air and newly bloomed flowers.

"I love it this time of year don't. you?" I say to tyler. That is sitting on the other branch next to me. He is scanning the forest for any movement.

"Get your head out of the clouds Emily, we are supposed to be on look out today." He says, glaring at me. I give him a nudge on his shoulder.

"Lighten up tyler, we haven't seen any vamps out here for years. Why would today be the all of days we get raided by the vampires? Plus I'm your older sister so you have to do what I say." I say with a smile on my face. He huffs and puts his bow back around his back.

"So, you and Jessica huh" I say sarcastically. Raising my eyebrows up and down. His face gets red from embarrassment.

"Shes just a friend okay" he looks away so he doesn't have to look me in the eyes.

"You are such a bad liar. I see it all over your face. You like her." I say making a smoochie face at him.

"Okay maybe I do like her, so what?" I shrug my shoulders at him. "I just like to know what's going on in my little brother's life. If you need help with girl problems you can always come to me I promise." I say to him while rubbing the top of his head.

We sit on the branch together until the sun is sets. Tyler had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I keep watch. When I hear a branch snap in the distance. Tyler sits up fast. His eyes going wide. "Did you hear that?" I nod my head. I put my finger up to my mouth to shush him. I scan the area were the sound came from. A deer walks out into the grassy field in front of us. "Dinner" tyler says with a smile on his face.

I grab my bow from my back and line up a arrow. I take a deep breath and line up my shot. I let my arrow fly. "Bullseye" I make a perfect shot through the deers heart. "Yes!" Tyler says already sliding down the tree. I make my way down after him. And towards the deer.

"What can I say, I'm the best shot in camp" I say picking up the deer and heading over to the horses. Tyler's smile is still big on his face. He only comes up to my shoulders height. "Mom and dad would've loved this." I sling the deer onto my horse and tie it down. "Alright lets get back before it gets dark" I say pulling myself up onto my horse. After about 30 minutes of riding we make it back to our camp.

Jessica meets us at the gate to greet us. "Wow what a clean shot" she says to us. I look down at her "I know it was all Tyler's doing. Who knew that being such a good shot ran in our blood" I say winking at tyler. "Yeah who would've known" he says with a nervous chuckle.

I push him towards Jessica. "Why dont you two go tell everybody that we have dinner tonight all thanks to tyler." I say "Yeah, let's go tyler, I bet everyone will love to hear this." Jessica says taking his hand and running further into the camp.

I take a deep breath and make my way to my tent. "Hey Emily" A guy about her age stops and gestures her to have a conversation with him. "Hey david" I say back to him. "So are you going to the party tonight?" He asks nervously. "I dont know, parties aren't my kind of thing." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Oh okay. If you do decide to go, I can take you only if you want. Of course." I smile back at him "If I decide to go, I'll find you." He smiles at me. "Okay cool. See you later Emily"

I get to my tent and lay down on my sleeping bag and start to read a book. I yawn and feel my eyelids close, falling asleep. I wake to drum beats in the distance. I stand up and make my way out of the tent and towards the sound. There is a big bonfire and people are drinking and dancing. I find David. "Oh look everyone Emily decided to come" he says holding up his drink to hear the cheers. He hands me a drink and I take a swig of it. "Ouch that burns so good" I say with a giggle.

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