Chap 11: Chaos

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      I feel the tips of the queens fangs scrape the inside of my leg. I can tell that she is craving me in every way. I nod to her to continue and I lay my head back as I feel the different sensations. She starts kissing the inside of my thighs and continues to torture me with every kiss. I finally feel her touch in the most sensitive area. Her fingers roll around on my bundle of nerves making me  let out a light moan. Her fingers than move down to my opening, circling around it. "I knew I smelt a virgin" She says which makes me feel embarrassed. 

      I than feel her tongue trace the outside of my nerves, making me beg for her. "Please Alex" I say with a shaky voice.  I look down to be met with black eyes and fangs, between my legs. I arch my back as my pleads with her are met. I grab a hand full of dirt trying to sturdy myself as I feel her tongue run over my nerves. Her lips and tongue are like magic. I feel her slowly place a finger inside me making me moan louder as she picks up her pace. I feel the heart beat in my chest get harder and harder as the closer I get to the edge. 

       I feel her free hand glide across my nipple as she pinches it. "Alex!" I moan out as I reach my climax. Her mouth is than replaced with her fingers in a split second and I feel her fangs bite into my thigh. Pain and pleasure is mixed. My chest rises and falls with every breath. Her tongue traces up my center one last time as I shake at the over sensitive parts. In a flash she lays next to me leaning on her hand and elbow. "You taste amazing" She says placing a kiss on the tip of my nose. I blush at her which makes her chuckle. I stay wrapped up in her arms the rest of the night.

I wake to yelling in the distance. I watch as the queen jumps to her feet. "Your majesty!" one of her guards comes running up through the trees. He drops to one knee. A concerned look crosses the queens face. "What is it?" She asks as she gestures him to rise. "My Queen, their has been a rebellion do to your human mate." He sounds out of breath. The rest of the guards men show up with an extra horse. "We must leave now before they over throw the castle!" The guards men gestures to Alex. She shakes her head at him. "No I will get their faster on foot. Take Emily and protect her like she is your own mate. I will meet you back their, Hopefully everything will be figured out by then. The guard nods at her in agreement.

     The queen kneels down to me. Her hand caresses my face. "These men will take you back to the palace. I will see you tomorrow little one" The queen places a fast kiss on my lips and runs off into the dark forest. I stand up and clean up camp. The guards guide me through the dark forest, a full moon over head. 

      As we approach the citadel we can see a orange glow in the sky followed by yelling. "HAULT" One of the guards yells back. "We can't just walk up with the queens mate, they will try and kill her on site." One of them hands me a hooded jacket. "Here wear this" She says with a smile and I take it and pull the hood up. Once we get onto the stone streets, I can see all the damage that has been done.  Humans are strung up dead on crosses. I close my eyes as I see buildings are on fire and blood fills the streets. We get to the main entrance of the place but we are met with an angry crowd. "Kill the Human mate!" They yell. I swallow hard knowing they mean me. One of the guards men approaches the crowd. "Move out of the way, we need to get by!" He says drawing his sword as an incentive. 

      "Those are the queens guards!" One yells "Long live the new king. Her brother!" another one yells and starts to push the queens guards back. The crowd pulls me off the horse and pulls my hood down. "The mate!" One of the guards grabs me and pushes me back away. I then hear blades clash as the guards try and defend me. They are over powered fast. I turn and start running as fast as I can.  I feel a dozen red eyes on me and I can hear them approaching. I take a sharp turn down a alleyway. I crouch down behind a wooden box trying to catch my breath. "What the fuck is going on!" I say to myself. 

      I look down both sides of the alley before I come out. I quietly start walking down as soon as I turn the corner I am met with a set of red eyes. "What do you think you are doing, MATE!" The vampire snarls. I start backing away slowly. "You know taking a nice evening walk" I say trying to break the tension. He jumps on top of me. "King Jasper, will just love this" He says holding me down. His eyes are hungry as they meet my neck "But first a taste" He says lowering his head down. "Get off of me!" I yell out as I feel his fangs graze my skin. "Alex!" As soon as I say that, I see The queen grab his head and rip it from his shoulders.

       She throws him off of me and helps me up. "What is going on?" I ask her starting to hyperventilate. She wipes the vampires blood from my face. "My brother over through me. He is twisted and demonic." She says looking up to the castle. "Why don't you stop him then!" I ask frantically. "If I did that now I would have to kill half of my people." She says with sadden eyes. I hear about ten vampires run up to us. "kill them!" They yell. The queen pushes me back as I watch all of them fall in a blink of an eye. I knew she was strong but I didn't understand until now.  "We must leave now before anymore will get hurt." She says, as she sweeps me up off my feet and I feel the ground shutter as she starts to run in her vampire like speed away from the chaos. 


Sorry this chapter is short. I will be posting more of this shortly. Thank you all for reading and supporting me. :)

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