CH:5 Bloom

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     The queen pulls me into a court yard filled with very many different flowers and plants. A wide smile takes over my face. I take a deep breath absorbing all the smells around me. It feels like I haven't been out side in ages but its really only been a couple of days.  I run through the path ways spinning myself and finely letting go of my anxiety. I was born to be a forest girl. "I knew that you would enjoy this, love." she says with her arms folded and a smile on her face. "Thank you. I really needed this after the couple of days, I have had" I say with a sigh.  A certain flower takes a interest in me and I bend down to get a better look at it. "Careful little one, that one is poisonous for humans"  She says, as I reach for it and I stop in my tracks after hearing this.

    "The most beautiful things in this world seems to be the most deadly" She says crouching down, with me. she is so close to me that we are rubbing shoulders. She picks the flower for me. "They are only deadly when the stem is attached" she says placing it in my hand. I watch as the colors swirl from purple to black. "But do take the beautiful things in strides, because everything can change. If that would be good to bad. Or bad to good." She says placing a peck on my nose and standing up. "Well shall we get going?" She says lowering her hand down to me. I take it and she helps me up. She leads me back into the palace. "You are allowed were you want to go in the palace, but I do prefer you stay close to me sense not everyone is kind to humans." I nod in agreement.

   We then enter a room full of other vampires around a large table. She gestures me to sit next to her at the head of the table. "Why does a nasty human sit with the queen?' One of the vampires scoffs in disgust. The queens eyes turn darker red and her fangs start to lengthen in anger. "You will respect her, like you would with me! You will call her by her name. 'Emily'" She says with a growl. You can feel her power radiate through the room and everyone swallows hard at her anger. "I am sorry, your majesty" The female vampire says as she bows her head. "Alright, back to our duty's then, shall we" The queen remarks with a smirk. A older man with a generals uniform stands before the queen. "Sense the werewolf's have taken the upper hand. I believe we should raid and slaughter one of their villages in east wood. My queen." He remarks to her. The queen takes a minute  to think over his proposal. "No, we do not attack unless they attack us straight on. Our defenses out way our attack force and if they attack first that will weaken there defenses, Than we shall strike." She speaks out and the general nods in agreement.

    "alright if that is all we need to discuss than shall I get back" The queen says and starts to stand up but then is stopped by another vampire. "We need to discuss that our queen as taken a human mate." A male voice booms through the room. The queens eyes narrow at the sight of him. "Little Brother, can you not wine to me about this now. I have started to have a head ache" She says rubbing her temples on her head. "We must talk about this disgusting human that you are mated too, it is a weak link in the queen and it must be addressed" He yells back at her and the vampires start to whisper in agreement. Alexandrea sighs in annoyance. " If you all might need to know that she is no threat to me, I have her under my protection" The queen remarks to everyone.

    "And if she is killed? Than you will fall with her sister, sense she is bounded to you." He says approaching the queen. The queen does not waver at his threat but looks more dominating more now than ever and it kind of turns me on. "Brother do you challenge my rule?" She says with a hiss to her words. "I do! This is no way to rule a vampire race with a human queen at your side sister. Its not only wrong but you put our families name on the line and I won't let it be like this!" He says with a snarl. The queens anger seemed to go from a 4 in annoyance, to a 7 to anger. Her fangs are fully unsheathed and her eyes go all black almost demonic looking. In a flash she holds her brother by one hand at his throat up of the ground  with his feet dangling. He's grasping at her hand. 

   "I will not be challenged by anyone, especially my own blood. I can kill you in a instant brother don't test me. Emily is my mate and everyone will treat her as that and if you don't I will handle it, and you all know how the mating ritual has gone with other humans and vampires." She says and then drops her brother on the ground in front of her. "Yes sister, You will have to turn her." Her brother says with a raspy voice. She than looks at him with wide eyes, like he said something he shouldn't have said.  I think to myself 'Turn? Oh shit she wants to turn me into one of those monsters' I get to my feet quickly and back up towards the door. "You were going to turn me? I trusted you and you were going to kill me?" I ask her almost crying. I started to trust her and have feelings towards her. she starts to approach me her anger starts to demolish to concern. "My love, its not like that. I am going to wait until you are ready" she says trying to take my hand. I take another step back from her before she can. 

      "I will never be ready to be turned into a monster!" A tear starts to run down my face.  "I can't believe you would hide this from me! I was actually starting to come to terms with my feelings and now this!" I say crying. I have so many feelings going through me right now. Anger, sad, mistrust. Why? I've only known her for two days now. Do I feel this way because I am mated to her? I think to myself. "My love, please listen to some reason. Its not as bad as it seems, you're just really upset right now" She says in a soothing voice. "I don't think, I will ever be able to except this. I don't want to be a vampire!" I Than start to make my way out the door.

      "Please, love just listen" She says grabbing my arm. "NO! I will not love somebody that wants to kill me!" I yell at her pulling my arm away from her and running out the door. The queen stands there saddened by how this conversation turned out. "shall we go after her, my majesty?" One of her guards asks. "No, she just needs some time to think about how she feels about me and this situation. She should come to terms about it in a couple of hours" She says. Her brother starts to chuckle about this situation. "Oh my sister, I see why you like her so much. She is a fire ball, its going to be fun to teach her who she belongs to." He says standing up from his knees. The queen than picks him up and throws him through a couple of walls. " I don't have that patience for you right now little brother" She says huffing and exiting the room.

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