Ch 2: Remember

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Naruto shot up in his bed, eyes wide and panting. The moon was high in the night sky of the Leaf Village as the boy awoke in the middle of the night. Naruto was four years of age. The young Uzumaki ran to the cracked mirror on his wall in slight panic and stared at his reflection. He blew out a sigh of relief. His reflection showed him young and not an adult with a bad haircut. It had only been a dream. A horrible nightmare. The young Uzumaki frowned. But it wasn't a totally bad nightmare. It was more bitter sweet. In it he had friends, a best friend even. But in the dream they were more than that. They were family. A family. The one thing the boy longed for more than ramen or becoming hokage.

In his dream, the Uchiha, his best friend, at first had been arrogant, a loner, and emo. He had hoards of demons fawning over him. The hellish spawns of satan known as fangirls. But after he fought with him, got to know him, lost him, got him back and got to know him again, their bond was stronger than ever. He learned that the Uchiha loved the arts. Suprisingly he could sing, dance, and make really cool rock figures. At least that's what Naruto's four year old naive mind decided to remember about him. He also remembered the Uchiha's love of swords. His name was Sasuke.

The kuinochi had pink hair and was really pretty. However, she wasn't a damsel in distress. She was super strong! At first though, she was a fangirl and kinda weak although she was kinda smart. But then she grew up and became insanely strong. She grew a bit violent, but she was also caring toward him. He specifically remembered her ability to heal. Every time he got hurt she was there, her hands glowing green. Her name had been Sakura.

Naruto sighed, his 4 year old form jumping at the sound of rocks being thrown at his front door. The window was open. The hinges rattled: the door wouldn't hold for long. Tears welled in the young Uzumaki's eyes. Why? Why did they hate him? He never did anything wrong.... Why him? The rattling grew and the door started to crack. Naruto's knees shook and his tears streamed down his face. The young boy found himself wishing Sasuke was real. Sasuke had protected him in the dream. Even though he himself was an insanely strong hokage who could fight for himself, Sasuke always protected him. Especially when he was older. A chip of the door broke off and landed on the floor. It was going to fall any second. The villagers were going to get in. The young boy spotted the window and bit his bottom lip. Should he run? Or should he stay and hide? "Kill the monster!" one villager screamed, making Naruto gasp.

"Run kit. Go toward the forest," a voice in his head said. Naruto was freaked about the booming voice but he decided to listen to it anyways. This voice, although angry, was offering help and guidance. That was something the boy didn't have much of so he didn't question it.

As fast as his little legs could carry him he ran toward the window and climbed on the sill. He gulped. It was a really high drop.

"It'll be okay kit," the voice said. Naruto took a deep breath and jumped off the ledge. The young Uzumaki gasped as he hit the hard ground. He had landed on his right arm. The boy sat up and grabbed his wrist which was bent at an odd angle. He knew his wrist was messed up because he heard a crack and it hurt really bad, but he knew he had to keep going. "Quickly kit. To the forest before they see you," the voice commanded. The blonde boy forced himself to his feet and he ran toward the forest. Tears ran down his face as he wished Sakura was real. Sakura would have healed him.

Tears streamed down the boy's face as he neared the forest's edge. Sasuke his protector and Sakura his healer. If only they were real.....


Sakura shot up in her bed, panting. She was covered in a thin line of sweat. Her emerald eyes were wide and panicked. The young pinkette lifted herself out of her soft blankets and quietly padded over to the full length mirror hanging on her closet door. She sighed in relief as she sat in front of it. She pulled her knees up to her chest as she gazed at herself. She was young and she didn't have a purple diamond on her massive forehead. Her dream had been very strange. She dreamt that she was a ninja. She was strong and she stood up for herself. In it, she had been a very confident person. If only she could be that way now.

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