Ch 7: Memories back

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Sasuke and Naruto awoke at the break of dawn years of shinobi training ingrained in their brains. They didn't move or make a sound as Itachi peeked in the room. Surveying them for a good few moments before going to train by himself without Sasuke pestering him. Both boys sat up when Itachi was outside.

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked hesitantly biting his lip. The Uchiha was nervous that much Naruto could tell it was the next words that came out of the Uchiha's mouth that nearly gave him a heart attack.

"I need to talk to Kura real quick... I have a question.... And it's probably a long shot but just I need to know if it's possible. I dreamt about it all night."

Naruto furrowed his brow eyes flicking to the door for a moment but nodded none the less. "It has to be quick though your parents would freak!" Naruto replied staring into Sasuke's now sharingon eye's.

Both boys ran to the cage and Kurama looked at the Uchiha with a furrowed brow.

"Your family is strange young Uchiha." He decided on saying. Sasuke glared defianty for a moment before nodding conceding.

"What is it you need to ask young one?" Kurama asked his tone much gentler than it had been the two days before.

"I-is it possible to give the rest of the konoha twelve their memories back?" Sasuke asked. Naruto gaped at him eyes wide. He had never thought of that. Kurama cocked his head to the side a bit to stare at the young Uchiha before him. Sasuke was serious and he looked a bit hopeful. Being 4 really affected his Uchiha emotions.

"I believe so." Kurama said with a chuckle.

"How?" Naruto asked excitedly. Sasuke was such a genius! This would speed up their plans by decades! They could all enter the academy together! Hinata would remember him!

"Your sharingan, Sasuke."

"My sharingan?" He parroted not understanding the fox's meanings.

"It memorizes things, predicts things, you can use your mangekyou and all memories of the past life can be projected to your friends with the help of a fairly simple seal. Once those memories have been projected they will not go away once the seal disappears. They will know the truth just as you do. It seems you have out smarted fate itself, Sasuke." Kurama spoke with a laugh.

The Uchiha brat who had once been so arrogant and cocky had toned down his skill just a bit. But Kurama could see that he's holding something back. He could see it in his left eye glimmering waiting to be reawakened. The Rinnegan. His eyes moved to Naruto. The boy was grinning and kurama felt a tug of affection. Sage mode.

"Sasuke do not strain your eye's. Judging by your current prowess you can only awaken three of your friends a day so be careful."

"Aaw, you do care!" Naruto grinned before they both faded away.

"Boy's breakfast!" Mikoto called from downstairs. Giddy with excitement Sasuke deactivated his sharingan and ran downstairs Naruto nicking at his heels.

"Well someone's excited" Itachi commented poking Sasuke in the forehead. Sasuke on his part gave his usual reaction as Naruto snickered at him. Sasuke in turn gave Naruto a good flick in the arm. Naruto flicked back and Sasuke also retaliated. To fugaku the scene of a flick-poke war was actually a bit amusing. It reminded him of the time he and Minato had done something similar. Pinching hurt that much Fugaku remembered. He hadn't remembered why Minato and he had begun a pinching war but he remembered nails. Nails which should not have been that sharp. He shuddered internally. Itachi scooted away from the pair so he was just out of range. He didn't think his brother would dive at Naruto but with the way this flick war was progressing it looked as if both boys might upgrade to tackling in a few moments. Itachi sighed in relief internally of course as his mother disbanded the war. Itachi vaguely wondered what would have happened if the boy's knew how to channel chakra like that Tsunade sannin. A chill ran down Itachi's spine. That was not a pretty thought.

"I wonder what Ra's up to." Naruto said after he took a big gulp of his tea.

"Probably attempting to snag some stuff from that Ino ex Uchiha fangirl."

"Really? Why not Hinata, Choji, Tenten, Lee, or Neji?"

"You missed Shikamaru and Kiba."

"My point still stands."

"She already gave her a ribbon who knows To it's Sakura."

Itachi wanted to bash his head against the table as more names that itachi had never heard flew out of his little brother's mouth. Just what had his little brother been doing!?

"Sasuke just how friends do you have?" Fugsku asked. He himself was getting a little worried. Sasuke has been running off by himself doing god knows what with god knows who and none of them ever had a clue! Hell none of them would ever have had a clue if Naruto hadn't bumped into Sasuke. The whole ordeal was very disconcerting to say the least.

Sasuke gave his dad a funny look as his nose crinkled slightly. The young uchiha merely gestured to Naruto. "One" he stated as if his dad had just asked the ultimate taboo.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at him and Sasuke sighed exasperated. "Your still a loser Naruto"

"I think your dad was trying to ask you how many friends you have." Naruto said.

"Not my fault he didn't correctly-" Naruto placed his hand over sasuke's mouth receiving both a death glare and a nasty bite mark on his hand.

"You bit me!"

"So? You're annoying!"

"Just give him a number."

"Am I counting you?" Sasuke questioned.

"Sure downgrade me why don't you."

"Idiot... Okay ummm excluding naruto ummm 12-13 I think."

"How did you meet 12-13 kids?"

"Well my super secret training ground is very popular" Sasuke boasted.


"I will hurt you..." Sasuke promised holding his spoon up in a threatening manner.

"What are you going to do? Threaten me with your spoon?" Naruto mocked. The seventh hokage to be soon regretted those words and suddenly had a phobia to spoons. Who knew that Sasuke could turn one of the
most insignificant pieces of non dangerous silver ware and make it completely 100% lethal.

When both boys finished their breakfast and squabbles they set out to find Kiba. Why Kiba you ask? He could help track people and his sister Hana was Itachi's age and someone needed to distract Sasuke's brother. Sakura received the team 7 style morse code from the street and she set off to catch up to her teammates. Sasuke only hoped Kiba would take the bait.


Okay guys! Is this chapter length okay? Please tell me! I love you all please tell me what you think! 😊

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