Un-heavenly Desires

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Evan's POV will generally be put in past tense since he will be doing most of the explaining about the curse and stuff. The story of the curse will be explained through the story just in case your wondering if this is all there is to it. I will put a (*) whenever Evan starts explaining something and a (*) when it switches back to the story part of the story. If ya don't catch my drift, then comment and I'll help ya out. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment to tell me what you think!
P.s. Thanatos= the God of death

Evan's pov:
From the moment I woke up, I could tell something big was going to happen today. When I asked my mom about it at breakfast, she got really excited and said it was probably the Feeling. The Feeling is the first step in fully inheriting the Reaper curse.

* Lets start from the beginning. I am a descendant from Thanatos himself, as is everyone on my dad's side of the family. There are grim reaper families all over the world but none as well know and powerful as my dad's. That's probably due to the fact that my great ancestor Vectat Reaper, was the first reaper ever created.

As the story of Vectat's creation goes, Thanatos was getting bored of just killing mortals with the flick of his wrist. So he decided to have a little fun. Thanatos raped a maiden by the name of Katakana in her sleep without her ever really knowing it.

He knew she would undoubtedly get pregnant from the encounter. He also believed that since she was human, neither her nor the baby would survive childbirth.

He was right about the first two things. Katakana did die while giving birth to his child but, since the child was part god, it survived.

Thanatos decided to use his child to his advantage instead of killing it. He cursed it so that the child killed any mortal it came into contact with. The angels of heaven immediately knew this would cause the destruction of the world so they went to work stopping the curse.

Since the child's mother was human, the angels were able to to tweak the curse a little. The child only took the life of the mortals who were ready or, if he wanted, close to ready to die.

Thanatos was outraged, so he decided to make things worse for the child . He made the curse pass on from generation to generation. He figured since the child would inherit part of his powers, his child's children should too.

To counter act, the angels made it so that the cursed person couldn't activate their powers until they found their eternal mate.

Thanatos was livid. He wanted to make someone suffer so he made it so that the cursed person's mate was fixated with death due to a horrid event in their life. The Angels didn't have the power to change peoples' lives however they pleased since only a god could do that. What they could do since they created the eternal mate in the first place, was make it easier for the pair to find each other.

Whenever the time nears for the cursed being to find their mate, the cursed person will feel a powerful feeling like something is going to happen soon. Thus, it being called The Feeling. *

"Yay! I just can't wait for you to meet the girl and get to making me gran-babies!" My mother exclaims. I choke on my fruit loops and my mom laughs at me. "I'm just joking! You have to get to know the girl first!" "Let's forget we ever had this conversation." I say with a groan, trying not to smile at my mom's childish behavior. "What conversation?" She says with a clueless look. I just smile and roll my eyes.

After finishing my fruit loops, I'm about to go watch some tv when my mom stops me. "Now that you're experiencing the Feeling, it's time to talk about what happens when up you do meet the girl." She leads me to the couch and I sit down next to her.

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