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"Mrs.... Malfoy..." said the professer plainly. "Present to us your project about perspective," the professer rolled her eyes as I walked to the front. "At-"I started. "Cmon! Your names after your psychopath of an aunt. Her perspective is that the whole world should burn!" He laughed. Kids started laughing all around me. No one stopped them. Not even the teacher. "AT A YOUNG AGE!" I started. People quieted down. "We are taught the difference between good and evil. Light and dark. Hero's. And villains. For example, Albus's father," I tilted my head slightly towards Albus. "Was known as the hero throughout his story. He killed the Dark Lord. Eight times! He was brave. And smart. And kind!" I smiled. "But my family...." My voice became grim and cold. "They were known as some of the villains. Followers of the dark lord. My grandfather, the first to follow. My grandmother, the next, and then my father happily joined. Harry was bullied by my father. Almost killed, by my grandfather. And was saved, only by the selfish act of my grandmother," I said. Kids smiled. "She finally accepts it!" The kids said again. "At least that's what y'all have heard. Mind you, my father tried to make friends with Harry. Extended his arm. He thought, because Harry was the chosen one, he would be stuck up and rude. So my father tried to impress him. Harry declined. Politely. And my father found this as he wasn't mean enough. He bullied Harry, not because he hated him. But because he wanted to be his friend so badly. My father was attacked by Hermione. Sent into the forbidden forest alone. And was forced to join the Dark Lord," I said. Kids rolled their eyes and scoffed. "This is probably what they told you so you didn't think they were so evil!" He said. "My grandfather, joined the death eaters to protect his family. To ensure their safety durning the battle. My grandmother knew if she declined, she would surely be killed. And was forced into it. And though my grandmother did all she could to stop it, even risked her own life! My father was forced to become a death eater. My grandmothers act was not selfish. It was selfless. As she risked her own life to protect Harry. To make sure that he could kill Voldemort. All by saying one word. 'Dead'. And many people think this was only to get to Draco. But few people know that my grandmother was great friends with Lily Potter. Therefor she, like Severus Snape, would do all she could to protect Harry," I said. "Your boring me, Bellatrix. Are you almost finished?" Asked the professor. "So yes, we are taught evil and good, dark and light, hero's and villains. But maybe, it's not about who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. Maybe it's about the perspective. Maybe... it's about. Whose telling the story.." I finished. Some kids looked at me oddly, others discussed, but almost all were angry. Except one who was smiling. Albus Severus Potter. He clapped slowly. "She's right! Think about it. Bellatrix Black. She was driven insane by her mother. She wasn't always like that. And even then, she still tried to protect her sister!" Albus smiled. "And more importantly. Bellatrix Malfoy. The one in front of us right now. She was judged by her family's actions. And even then, they all had good reasons for what they did. I know Bella and she is nothing like you all think. Her presentation is better then any of y'all's were or ever will be," Albus smiled. Kids somewhat nodded. The teacher started clapping slowly and soon so did everyone else. "Another thing. Maybe the villains...Don't always do it because they have to. Maybe their broken...." I added. People clapped and nodded. So just remember that. I'm the end, It all depends On whose telling the story.

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