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^^^^^ smoke song

Queen POV

Hey I'm queen I'm 22 I am tattoo artist I been doing it for 3 years now

But I am the only child my mom and dad are happily married I hope one day I can be like them

But I live in a town house it's nice it's what I can afford right now

It's three bedroom  2/  1/2 half  bathroom
It's really nice I love my place

But I am a virgin still I have always been scared to give it up I don't know why

I had my first boyfriend he was popular and I he was really popular but I thought he like me

We had classes together and one day the teacher announced we had a project

And I was partnered with him he told me to meet him at his house

I was a nice modernized house he drove a challenger a black one

I drove a jeep it was pink my parents got it designed for me with my name printed on the seat

But during the project he kept texting on his phone not paying me no attention

He then laughed and I heard him say bet and nigga betta run me my money

He started helping me but he kept like touching me then saying sorry it was weird

We soon became close he asked me out and I said yes and the whole time he was on his phone

Things started going down hill but we started doing the project I learned he lived by himself

I asked him how he got all that money he didn't say he just business and he can't tell me

But now me being older I knew he was a drug dealer but anyways

We became  close and I grew a like to him when we finished the project he started taking me out

He was so sweet and down to earth then one day we were at his house he came on to me and I begged him to stop he got mad and stopped

He told me to get out and that I was only a bet and what a waist of 500$ dollars that he losT

The next day at school people laughed at me his friends clowned me

I remember going home crying and I felt bad

I stayed home for 3 weeks doing home school I would wait till the end of the day to pick up my work and drop it off

I finally went back to school all of the sudden he disappeared some blamed me

Some say I was mad and probably killed him or ran him over

People never looked at me the same and they stayed talking about me

I met this girl name tabitha she started being my friend and she helped me out my lonely stage and I was depressed she helped me with that

She would come to a school with bruises she would always wear hoodies and sweaters she would always keep a scarf 🧣 on

I ask her about it she said she is a really cold person she stay cold i though nothing of it

She disappeared for a month the came back and said she went to her grandmas for a little while

But she was different she stopped smiling and everything

During school we would usually meet up for lunch but one day she was not there

I could have sworn she was at school maybe she left I thought

I went to my locker I put in the Password that's when a paper fell out and I read it said .

If you are reading this I'm sorry
I am probably dead by now well I was getting abused by my dad my mom left me a while back she told me she would come back for me she never did my dad would beat me rape me spit on me I was even pregnant and had a miscarriage .. I was tired of fighting so my plan was to end it all... I jumped off a bridge I know you will find me but when you do I will be laying on the rocks in the ocean dead I just couldn't live anymore I had to get out  I had to end it all I was tired of suffering and by the way the boy that bullied you the one I had the project with he's dead I killed him ...he was being rude and mean to you so I killed him... if you go down the trail that lead you to the ocean you will see a red flag 🚩 in the ground get the shovel that I left by it and dig and dig till you see what there it's a surprise but don't cry don't feel bad and don't make it seem like it's your fault I am in a happy place now I'm free.... Goodbye queen Naija

I remember her calling me queen Naija (Naija )was a famous singer she said I would sing just like her

But I did she said in the letter I found her on a rock bloody and bruised and pale and I dug up trey yep trey that was his name I hate saying his name but

I called the police I gave them the note but I wanted it back her dad was arrested but I heard he was killed it jail

But ever since then I decide waiting on the right one to come  would be best . I want a marriage and kids but that's my story

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