Tonight There Are No Saviors

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"I still say you need to add the extra 'love' at the end." Lindsey's words were uttered over the microphone in the control room as Stevie stood behind the glass that separated them, headphones around her neck, standing at her mic. She had balled her left hand into a fist and was pressing it up to her ear, something Lindsey knew she did when she was deep in thought, especially when she was contemplating a song.

"I think you're right," Stevie said into her mic so he could hear her, and Lindsey placed his hand over his chest, bared by the v-neck shirt he was wearing, miming a heart attack. Stevie instantly dissolved into giggles.

"Now who's at the wrong studio?!" Lindsey was laughing too. "Stephanie Lynn Nicks has just spoken four words I never thought I'd hear her say!"

"Hahahaha!" Stevie was smiling, which, except for when she'd sang the song, she'd been doing pretty much all evening. It was after nine o'clock now, and they had been at it for hours, Stevie singing "Twisted" for him and Lindsey making suggestions, smiling as much as she had been and talking to her about which lyrics he should come in on with his own vocals. They had been gettin along so well for so long that neither of them dared to question it or even think about it. Stevie spoke again into the microphone and said, "I'm starving. How about a dinner break before it's too late at night to find food?"

"Good idea," said Lindsey, except this time he was not speaking into the mic; he had entered the room where she stood and was now standing beside her. "What would you like to eat?"

"Anything," Stevie said, " long as it's Mexican." Lindsey immediately smiled at her, thinking, This is her. This is Stevie...the real Stevie...and she's back.

"You got it," he said with a wink, already picking up the phone to order Mexican food from a nearby restaurant.

Later on, as they sat on the floor of the studio picnic-style and shared beef burritos, loaded nachos and an enchilada, Stevie and Lindsey were talking and laughing like no time had passed, not just in the time since she'd been sober but since the time they had been together years before! The conversation had turned to Javier Pacheco, their bandmate in the 60s when they'd been in Fritz, and how Javier had always been the one in charge, choosing all the music and gigs and ruling with an iron fist.

"I know that must have been frustrating," Stevie said to Lindsey, biting into a cheese-covered nacho. "Javier was...I mean, he didn't not know what he was doing, but damn! I remember how he used to just look at you and it was like you had to accept his words without question." She sighed. "That sucked."

"It wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world." Lindsey had been looking down at the food, but he looked up at Stevie then and she was once again being scorched by those eyes of his. "I meant what I said before, Steph," he said, his voice lower, his hand reaching out as he dared himself to take her hand in his. "If I ever made you feel like that...I'm very sorry. I get wrapped up, very into the art, you know...and I forget other people have feelings...that you have feelings."

"Thank you, Lindsey." She swallowed the nacho she'd been chewing, swallowed hard, incapable of not looking into his eyes at this point. Their fingers were laced together, and she looked down at their entwined hands and then back up into his eyes. She felt like she was being electrified again, but yet she also feel strangely safe at the same time, and her heart was pounding.

"You really look amazing, you know," he said, his thumb beginning to caress her fingers. "I mean it. You hair is shiny, your eyes are so clear...and..." He trailed off, knowing it was not a good idea to discuss weight with a woman, but he dared himself to add, "and you've lost a lot of weight, you know."

"Of course, this meal tonight is going to add it all back," she joked, but then her gaze fell back to their hands, still entwined and sitting in her lap as she sat cross-legged on the floor.

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