Moving in

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                                                                                  Caroline's Pov 

I woke up with Klaus sleeping on the couch in his room so I got up and went downstairs where I saw Rebekah sneaking back in she said "don't tell Klaus" I said ok she said "thanks" then she went upstairs and I laughed when I saw Elijah and he said, "how are you doing Caroline?" I said fine Elijah how are you? he said "good," I said goodbye he said "goodbye Caroline" then I left and got a taxi then I went into the hotel then I went to my room then I saw Stefan I hugged him and grabbed my clothes and went the bathroom and got dressed then I talked to Stefan he said, "are you ready to go?" I said yeah let's go home hold on Klaus is calling me he said "ok" then I said hey Klaus he said "where are you" I said me and Stefan are getting our stuff he said "ok then I hung up then I go to the car and Stefan gets in and says "are you ready?" I said yes then we drive to Mystic Falls

                                                                       we get there 

we get Stefan drops me off to my house and he goes to his house I pack my clothes and shoes then I put that suitcase by the door and moved on to my purses and jacket then I put it to the door then I call Stefan he said: "I'm almost done you?" I said I'm done I called Bonnie, Elena, and told them to come I got a knock on the door it was Bonnie and Elena I said hey come in they came in and I sat down and they sat next to me I said I have something to tell you guys but first I love you guys me and Stefan are leaving town we are going to New Orleans they looked at each other they said: "what is the important news?" I said I'm pregnant when I tell you by who remember you guys love me so much they said "we love you but who is your baby's dad?" I said Klaus they looked at each other again I cried they hugged me they said "have you told him?" I said yes wiping my eyes they said "wait why is Stefan coming?" I said because he has his reasons but I have to go, Stefan, is coming in any minute they hugged me again then I heard a beep! beep! I said I gotta go they said bye I love you we walked outside and they got inside the car I went back inside and grabbed my suitcase Stefan got out and hugged them then he came inside and hugged me then I went outside and put my stuff in his car and I locked my front door then I got in the car Stefan was already inside I said are you sure? he said "I have no reason to stay in Mystic Falls, I said ok I love you he said "I love you too Care" then we drove off

we get to New Orleans

I played changed it by Nicki Minaj in the car I and Stefan were singing the lyrics then we got there and I hugged Stefan then I grabbed my stuff and he drove off I moved into my house I brought yesterday then I called Klaus I said I'm here he said: "ok where are you?" I said in my house New Orleans he said "really I gotta go to Cami's house I said ok then hung up madly then I walked outside stood outside my house after locking it I said taxi then a yellow and black taxi had stopped once I got in I said to the compound he drives me there and I pay him then I step onto Klaus's house's steps and I knock on the door

at 4pm

I woke up the last thing I remember is knocking on Klaus's door and being knocked out someone was walking towards me I said who are you she said "my name is Frankie Bank" I said well Frankie what do you want from me? she said "Klaus Mikaelson is in love with you so I will use you to get him to kill Marcel and his henchman I said why me? he isn't in love with me she said "you're pregnant with his baby if he's not in love with you he will still fight for the baby because it's his" I said even if he does he doesn't like when people like to control him at all and he already knows I'm pregnant she said "really and you don't live with him" she laughed I said I don't because- I stopped myself because I knew if she knew if she heard what I was about to say she would use it against Klaus and I love him I said because I didn't want to live with him I was going to knock on his door but again

Klaus's Pov

I said who the hell are you she said "my name is Frankie Bank and I need you to kill Marcel and his henchman" I said why the hell should I she said "he took your city and if you don't I will kill her" I said who? then Caroline came out and I said I should rip you apart for taking her she said "and if you do you'll also kill her she is linked to me if you don't do what I ask I will kill you I said I don't be controlled by anyone Elijah said "brother clam down" I said fine he said "we agree to your terms" I said we're taking her some girl came out and said "no your not" I said brother she said "it's fine I'm linked to her they can't take her out of New Orleans anyways or she dies" then I vamp speed, Caroline, to my house and I put her in my bed and Elijah said, "what are we going to do?" I said I don't know but I know I gotta do something to help her

Caroline's Pov

I woke up to Elijah and Klaus having a conversation outside what I'm guessing is Klaus's bedroom because of all the paintings I heard Klaus say "I love her" I got up walked next to Klaus I said I love you too Klaus but you're right I can't live like this I'll stay with you for a couple of days then I'll go back to my house he said back to what house I said my house is a block away so Elijah left and went downstairs I stood in front of Klaus we locked eyes and he slowly got closer to me we looked at each other for a while and Rebekah hello we turn around and I said hey Bex and I hug Klaus she says I was just gonna go somewhere but I'll be back

at 8pm 

 I vamped outside and I walked outside for while thinking what the hell I never accepted my feelings for him but what if I could? what could happen? looking into his eyes reminded me of that time in the woods which obviously got me pregnant I laughed someone said "now what is such a fine lady doing all alone" I said who are you? he said "my name is Marcel" I vamped back to his house I walked back in and I vamped to Klaus's door and knocked on his bedroom door he opened he said sleepily "hey love"  I said hey Klaus can we talk? he said "sure love" he opened his door further and I went in his room I sat on his bed and he sat next to me I said I saw Marcel but anyways I slowly got closer to Klaus he put his hand on my thigh I was biting my lower lip my heart was pounding so fast they way he was looking at me with his face so close I noticed how his eyes sparkle then our lips met I got lost in his eyes and soft lips Elijah opened the door we pull away I hated that I said I gotta go Klaus see you guys later and hey Elijah Klaus said "bye love hello over bearing brother" I hugged Klaus and left the room and vamped to Rebekah's door and knocked she said "hey what?" I said can we talk about she said "about what" I said Stefan and Klaus I said girl talk she said "ok come in I was just listening to music and drawing" I said ok 

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