an ex for a reason

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Caroline woke up next to Klaus she looked at him then after like 40 minutes she checked her phone it's 5pm she thought "why do we never wake up early" she got up and went in the bathroom brushed her teeth her towel was on the door she went to her closet and picked out a white shirt detailed with flowers and white shoes detailed with flowers and some white steve madden heels she laid them on the bed next to Klaus she got in the shower for 20 minutes she wrapped the towel around her she put on her clothes and shoes then she curled her hair and the babies started crying she went in their room it was Riena and Reina them Klaus came in he took Riena she went to the kitchen she opened the fridge and grabbed her bottle and grabbed Riena's she gave Klaus Riena's he fed her and burped her Caroline did the same to Reina then put the babies in their play pen and put a couple toys in there then she went in the kitchen and drank a blood bag

Caroline's Pov
I went in my room Klaus was gone I called him he answered he said "hey" I said hey wya he said "getting my tux" I said ok I wanted to tell you- he said "sorry I gotta go" I said ok he hung up I went to check on Riena and Reina they fell asleep I put them in their crib I went in my room I grabbed my notebook and grab my pencil I wrote Klaus, I love you because you are my best friend, the person I can't wait to talk to, you make me feel like I'm the only person in the world I love the way you look at me Klaus somehow I always knew you weren't the villain of my story I realized I always have loved you then Klaus came in I closed my notebook he said "what we're you writing" I said my vows then I kissed him it felt like forever I heard Reina crying I went in I comforted her then I went to get her bottle while holding I always calm down around her and Riena I fed her I put her in the high chair then I start drinking a blood bag Reina started reaching for it I didn't give it to her I woke up the last thing I remember is drinking a blood bag I was in my bed I said Klaus I got up I saw a rose necklace I put it on I see him playing with the girls I said what happened he said "you passed out" I said I did then I went to play with them Klaus looked at me I said what he said "your so beautiful" I said thank you but I have to go watch them for me he said "yea l've got this go have fun" we hugged then I broke it got up and grabbed my phone I walked out the door I drove to Rousseau's I thought about how so much has changed last year I got Klaus to open up more to me he had problems but we worked throught them we sloved problems together I arrived at Rousseau's I walked in I sat down at the bar Cami asked "what would you like" smiling I said a beer thank you she handed me a beer I drank it they bar had 4 or 5 people in it some girl wearing a red shirt yellow pants with freckles came in she sat next to me she said "hi my name is Kayla can you help me find this guy his name is Klaus" I felt something was weird I said I'm Caroline no I can't but I gotta go she said something
Kayla's Pov
I waited for 2 hours for her to wake up I said finally your awake good now you can answer my questions she said "never" I said Chase put more vervain he said "got it boss" he added more she said "ow" in pain I said now will you answer my questions how do I kill Klaus she said "you can't I don't how even if I did I wouldn't tell you" I said Chase make the call she looked worried she said "what" I said if you don't answer the questions I will kill your bestfriend Bonnie she said "Klaus will kill you before you even get the chance" I said Stella tell Klaus we have Caroline I faced her I said we'll see just how much he cares for you she said "what did he do to you" I said nothing but the better question is what he did to Aurora
Klaus's Pov
it's been 2 hours I called Rebekah worried I said hello darling sister she said "what Nik" I said give the phone to Caroline I've called her a thousand times" Rebekah said "Caroline's not with me" I said is she with Bonnie Rebekah said "no Bonnie went shopping 3 hours ago Nik they've been taken" I said but by who we have thosands of people who would want to harm us I fear I've signed her death sentence a long time ago dear sister she said "we all did we need Freya" I drove home I got in the house I was carrying Riena and Reina I took them upstairs I yelled Freya she came downstairs she said "what brother" I said can you do a locater spell she said "yes but of who" I said of Caroline I gave her Caroline's hair brush she grabbed a map and said "I need Riena's or Reina's blood" I said ok I grabbed a needle and a bowl I went upstairs I gave it to her and she performed it she said "someone's blocking me but I think I can get through" I said you think or you know after 20 minutes she said "I can't find her do you want me to keep trying" I said yes I'll be upstairs I walked upstairs I needed to come up with a plan

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