happy endings

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"Goodbye hurts the must when the story is bot finished." That's a sentence that have been with me for along time.
I didn't get to say my goodbye.
I didn't get to burry my love.
I didn't get to finish our story.
And for that my love, I will never let a book finish without a happy ending.
Will I get mine?
I don't know, but I do know my love will never get hers

Anastasia pov

"Late is kind of his signature move." said Caitlin as I walked into the cortex.

"You guys wanna see my signature move?" Asked Cisco just as Barry sped in.

"Sorry guys, I got a little held up." Drank Barry from his coffee as all eyes were on him now. "You had to be there."

"I'm gonna need a moment or two alone with Barry Dr wells said as Caitlin and Cisco walked out of the room.

"Good luck." I told Barry and left with them.

"Are you two, OK? Did you have a fight or something?" Asked Cisco as we all walked through the corridor

"No." , "Yes." We both said together

"We did have a small disagreement." I tried to explain.

"I just thought that after years of working with us, you will have a bit of honesty to tell us and come to talk to us about yourself." Argued Caitlin.

"Tell us what?" Asked Cisco

I took the pills out of my bag and shoved it to her hands, "You can tell him if you want everyone to know so badly," and with that, I walked away.

"All right. Facial reconstructive software. It was designed for archeologists and
it should help us ID your crispy corpse."said Cisco

"The question is, how did he get fried in the first place?" Asked Barry,"is there a meta-human out there that can control electricity?"

"It'd take a serious electrostatic discharge to cause tissue damage."

A beeping sound was heard "guys, according to the software there is 82% chance that your victim looked like this." said Cisco proudly

"82?" Barry's voice was filled with doubt

"It was zero when you walked in here, pal." replied him, Cisco

"Can you choose and reference with the DMV database? Maybe get a name?" Asked Barry

"Absolutely,  that software can do just about everything, thanks again, Ana." Answered Cisco.

"Think of it as a thank you for helping me find my friend."

"Casey Donahue, no wife, no kids, used to work at the Petersburg electrical substation." Read to us, Cisco

"That can't be a coincidence." Told us, Caitlin.

"That's weird. Someone just used his ID to enter the substation."

"The Petersburg grid is experiencing a power drain right now." I informed everybody

"Barry be..." Dr wells was cut off by Barry running.  "... Careful"

"He runs slow even for a normal person." said Cisco as we all watched Barry run

"You can't just lose your powers. OK? Your DNA has been transformed by the particle accelerator blast. There is no way to un-transfom DNA." said Caitlin

"Yeah? Tell that to the Uber driver that charged me 65 bucks to get here. I had to tell her I was coming from a cosplay party." Argued Barry

"So we were wrong; this meta-human doesn't electrocute people. He siphons electricity...thereby removing your powers." Explained Dr wells

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