19 [𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙊𝙣 𝙔𝙤𝙪]

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The police arrived about an hour later.
As soon as the guards saw them, they started shooting at them which alerted Angelo giving him time to escape through a secret underneath tunnel.
The tunnel led him to get out in the middle of trees but there was a road where Alyssa happened to be driving by.

I drove back once the police arrived.
As I was driving I passed by some trees where Angelo was running.
As soon as I saw him I got out of the car and ran towards him.

He saw me and kept running. I threw a rock at him causing him to trip and fall.

I managed to catch up to him.
He got up but I tackled him down to the ground from behind.

Angelo : Would you look at who it is?
My dear wifey.
Angelo : Ah ah ah......I said I wouldn't do anything if you would've stayed with me but you didn't. This is all on YOU!
Alyssa : You fucking asshole were going to kill him anyway!!
Angelo : Your fault again!! You wanted to make me look like a fool!!
Alyssa : You don't know how much I hate you Angelo!
Angelo : -laugh- He's going to die Mi amore! I have orders to have him killed! Sooner or later you'll be left a widow.
Alyssa : Over my dead body!!
Angelo : I guess we'll see who dies first.

-police siren-

Once he heard the police he used all of his strength to push me off his back. He started running away but he got shot from behind and fell to the ground once again.

One of the police lightly grabbed my arm and took me out of the area.
Even though I was out of there I watched everything. I watched when he got arrested and how he was taken to the police car.

Alyssa : He has people though..
Police : Don't worry we found many of them. They'll all be arrested as well.
Alyssa : Okay...

After he was taken care of I drove back to the hospital hoping to hear some good news.

When I got to the hospital, I saw her sitting. Fucking traitor!

I walked towards her and slapped her with all my strength.

Alyssa : You fucking traitor!!!
Eva : What are you talking about?!
Alyssa : Don't act stupid I overheard your phone conversation with Angelo!!
Eva : Who's Angelo?!
Alyssa : Drop the stoic act!! -slap-
Melanie : Alyssa!!!!
Alyssa : This bitch.....is working for Angelo!!
Melanie : What? But she helped us-
Alyssa : Bullshit! I'm sure Angelo knew about the tracker and the phone the whole time!!! He knew my every move!
Police : Eva Perez?
Eva : Huh?
Police : You're under arrest for money laundering, illegal gun trafficking, complicity and murder attempt. Everything you say can or will be used against you.
Eva : I'm innocent! I didn't do anything!
Alyssa : Rot in jail!
Melanie : You need to calm down! Come on, tell me where were you?

And so explained to her how it was Angelo behind everything...

Melanie : Oh god babe...
Alyssa : He succeeded with Jason. I'm scared he'll-
Melanie : Hey! He's not going to. Cal is going to be alright. You'll see!
Blake : We saw Eva get arrested. What happened?
Alyssa : She was working for Angelo.
Blake : Huh? But she helped us that doesn't make sense.
Alyssa : Angelo knew my every move. He was probably testing me or something I don't know.
Blake : Perhaps....
Alyssa : Anything on Calvin?
Blake : No...
Alyssa : Can I go in?
Blake : Yeah you can.
Alyssa : Okay..

I walked in to the most heartbreaking scene. He was there. It's like he was sleeping. No reaction. Silence. Eyes closed...

I stood next to him and placed my hand on his head...

Alyssa : You can't leave me. Not you Cal. Please......we have plans. We're getting married once you wake up. We're going to go all over Europe for our honeymoon. We're going to have three kids one day. We're getting a puppy. You just need to come back to me. Please Cal, I love you more than anything in this world...

To Be Continued...

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