Multiverse of the Undead

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It was a pleasant day; the sky was clear with a little breeze in the air. Brayden threw his bag on his bed then flung himself on the mattress, it bounced twice. He sighed looking at the ceiling blankly. Just then he heard a grunt. Curious, he got up from his bed and looked out his window, a strange light was coming out of the garage, he got suspicious; since it's been years since they opened that thing. But he had a lot in his mind already so he decides to ignore it and went downstairs for a snack, only to hear her mother say "Did you take your pills, Brayden?"

He'd been taking them from as long as he remembers.

"No. Not yet, I'll take them right before turning in. I promise" Brayden replied while making himself a PBJ sandwich. Once he calmed his hunger, he sat down to complete his homework, reluctantly. But after remembering his math teacher, Mrs. Dorothy's face when he couldn't solve that question on the black board. He shuddered and opened his math text book. But Brayden couldn't help it, even though he was trying his best to excel in the subject, but his continuous failed attempts only drove him to acceptance. On the other hand he had science to comfort him instead. He loved it and excelled in it too. His dad was a scientist too.

After doing his homework, Brayden was exhausted. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

However, he had made a grave mistake of forgetting to take his pills, which could be deadly to him once his eyes open and welcome him to a new and completely new world.

Sounds of grunting and people yelling woke Brayden up. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around confused, getting up he peeked out of his window.
Gasping, he shut his curtains close and ran downstairs.... but no one was there "mom! Dad ?!" He was stuck in a world full of zombies....

Everyone who went outside were getting their heads bitten off. Just as he was closing the curtains shut, he noticed his dad's garage, it still had light coming from it which was weird because his dad was almost never home. Deciding to check the garage he geared up.
"AAACK!" Shoving the beastly zombie away he pulled the garage door down and sat down against it.

Standing up he took the sight in front of him.......There was absolutely nothing, he went all through that trouble for nothing.

Brayden tried to get up but his hand slipped and the light switch turned the light off.
Brayden's eyes widened as he saw what looked like a virtual screen.
"Um.... excuse me?" Brayden called the attention of the man standing in front of him. He turned to look at Brayden, surprised he still offered his hand. It was ice cold, Brayden shivered, at the contact.

He was pulled into what looked like another world. "Why are none of you are turning into zombies?" Brayden looked curiously at the middle-aged man.

"Let me welcome you to Morson! It's Earth in our universe."

"I'm sorry, did you just say your universe?" Brayden asked

"Well, yeah Brayden. You know multiverse, and that's where you are." The man explained

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Brayden asked, guarded.

"I knew your father, worked with him for years." After seeing Brayden's confused expression, the man signed and continued "alright then, this is the future. Your mother was really sick and he just wanted to cure her and so he started working on a cure that cures every disease in the whole world. But that backfired and he accidentally turned your mother into a zombie. There was absolutely zero survival rate when he discovered a multiverse somehow and here, we are in a new world." He finished.

"Wait a second, my mother is very much alive I just saw her yesterday." Brayden argued.
"Oh right, that part... the pills you ate everything created an illusion for you that your parents are still alive and with you. I came up with that. You didn't even know your parents died but you felt them with you." He spoke

"So, where's my dad now?"

"OH, he's dead.... Cause I bit him" the man said with a devilish smirk.

Brayden eyes widen in horror as he noticed the man's shrunk in point sized eyeballs, his nails grew long and ugly.

It was at that moment Brayden realized that no one here was turning zombie because everyone had already become one. His dad best friend who he remembered was an astronaut and he of course had discovered a multiverse and had got infected there and when he returned, he killed his mother and father.

It was now his turn......

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