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The fog had cleared the next morning, Octavia and I have never left Jasper anymore, not after what happened with Miller. Monty did go get some water a couple of times but didn't leave the dropship either. We can hear some people scream that their back when the sun had gone down again, Octavia leaving quickly to meet Clarke.

I hiss as Monty's hand brushes over my arm after handing me some water. He looks at me with a frown on his face. He carefully takes my underarm in his hand and looks down at the red with yellow burn marks on my skin. He shakes his head, taking the fresh water and carefully putting water over it.

I hiss through gritted teeth, kneeding the blankets between my fingers to try and not scream out like Jasper does. He stops, looking down at my arm. The pain now relieving a little and the water helping to fresh the wound.

"That fog was no joke, huh?" I smile at him, trying not to look at the wound or I'ma throw up.

"It will heal one of these days, guess it was my own fault for trying to stay outside." Monty stops, looking up at me with a confused expression. "I wanted to make sure everyone got inside but John was the one pulling me along."

"That douchebag should sort out on who's side he's on."

"There are no sides, Monty. Just a bunch of scared kids trying to survive Earth's dangers." The hatch opens and we look at Clarke who comes up. "Hey." I say.

"We got the sea weed." I smile, Monty lets go of my arm but not before Clarke saw the wound. "What is that?"

"Acid fog." I reply.

"Keep it clean, put water over it every so often and try not to tug it under your sleeve. It needs oxygen." I nod, looking at Monty who smiles wittely at me. A little while later, Octavia, Clarke and Finn sit around Jasper as I stay a little away with Monty.

"I'm really sorry about Atom." Clarke tells Octavia who almost immediately replies.

"We're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we?" She looks down at Jasper. "But not you, you hear me? You're not allowed to die."

"I'm going to check if someone outside needs my help, maybe catch some fresh air." I say, getting up and looking down. "Keep me updated." They nod and I get downstairs, hissing as I use my arm muscles and it burns.

I come outside, John looks pissed as he sits against the dropship. I decide to sit down next to him, hoping he would say something first. After a moment of silence I sigh.

"Thank you." He looks at me, confusion evidence on his face. "Without you this," I show my burned arm. "Would've been way worse." He scoffs, looking away again.

"Does it hurt?" I shake my head, lying. It definitely doesn't hurt as much as Jasper is now so I shouldn't act like a baby. "Liar, I can see you're biting your lip to try not to cry."

"I'll make it, Jasper is worse." He nods. "Thank you for telling off Miller, by the way."

"Well, I'm gonna be honest. I don't like Jasper's cries for help either but he seems important to you so I'm not gonna try and kill him."

"Well, thanks for caring. Shall I make a list of people who are nice to me so you can avoid them?" He chuckles and nods.

"Would be a good idea." We look at each other and laugh. "I know Clarke, Wells, Jasper, that Asian kid and Octavia are close to you."

"That Asian kid has a name. It's Monty."

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry."

"Put yourself on that list now too." He looks at me, a spark in his eyes.

"Really?" I nod. He smiles before I remember that he was angry when I sat down.

"When I sat down you looked pissed, what happened?" John looks down.

"Someone stole my knife. They just took it." He replies.

"Are you sure you didn't just, lose it?" He nods.

"I remember where I left it, went looking for it and gone." I smile, watching as the little girl, Charlotte seems to runs away from something and catching her breath. I frown. "You know, whoever it was is probably happy with it." He says.

"Don't worry too much, you can make a new one." Clarke walks up to us and looks down at me.

"Wanna check on our patient?" I nod and get up, look at John who smiles at me. I smile back and follow the blonde into the dropship.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it." Clarke says, walking up to Jasper. I come up too, and see his eyes open.

"My savior." He says. I sit down next to him too, looking down with a big smile. "Our shooter." He says, looking at me.

"Hey Jasper." I breathe out, relieved.

"Thank you for not dying." Clarke tells him. "I don't think I could have taken that today."

"I'll try not to die tomorrow too, if that's cool." We all chuckle lightly, more out of relief. "Oh hello." He says, looking at Octavia before falling asleep.

We let him rest for now, everyone pretty much leaves except for Monty and me. We stay to look out for Jasper while both almost falling asleep.

"How was your little taking a fresh breath moment?" He asks, looking at me from across the room. I smile, seeing his droopy eyes. I crawl over to him, plopping down by his side.

"It was good, talked to John."

"What did you talk about?" Monty sounds somewhat annoyed and I understand why.

"I thanked him for preventing me almost frying alive, we talked about Jasper." I pause. "You know, the usual." He laughs softly. "The dude also told me he lost his knife and made a big deal about it."

"Sounds like Murphy." Monty says and I nod agreeing. I rest my sleepy head on his shoulder, he seems not to mind when he rests his head against mine.

"I'm happy Jasper is doing okay." I whisper, reaching for Monty's hand and playing with his fingers slowly. "He really almost gave me a heartattack with his constant screaming." Nothing. "Monty?" I look at him, his breathing is even and his eyes are closed. I smile.

"Good night, Monty."

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