- catching feelings -

191 9 7

(from here, it takes place in the season,sparking)

⤵ ok, so, valt had a crush on you since turbo generation.
yet, he was kind of oblivous back then so he just brushed it off. now that he thinks about it-

⤵ he is blushing or flustered around you.
he is clumsy around you.
and at last- he is in love with you.

⤵valt was walking back and forth, unsure of what to do, if he confesses and you reject-
it will only. ruin his friendship with you and become more awkward.

⤵but if he doesn't confess-
i don't know, i don't know. he might need to trap these feelings in him forever!
or let go of them..


⤵and that was when you came into the room, struggling with the same thing.

he shook from his thoughts once he heard that angelic voice.
"o-oh. hey y/n"
he blushed slightly.

⤵EVERYONE knew about your crushes on each other, yet they never told you cause, its not a show show
like that man..

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