- first fight -

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"valt look-"
⤵"Not now, Y/n!" He said as he launched his bey over and over and over again.
⤵when was he ever showing you affection since these past weeks?.

⤵valt was busy. way too busy with his very important sport known as "beyblade".
since he did have a tournament coming up, he didn't even talk to you that much.. just training,

⤵training, training, training. that was all he did and he barely took breaks.

⤵was the tournament that much important to him more than his lover?

⤵sure, yeah you can train and become stronger, yeah. but..he was way too determined here.
You tried talking to him, trying to show signs of affection by hugging him from behind, but he would
tell that he was training.

⤵you tried one last time, and he told the same thing.
and that was when you got mad.

⤵"valt, is beyblade tournaments more important than me?"
Darkness was available in your tone, that seemed to get his attention towards you.

⤵"huh? of course not..i just need to get stronger cause my opponent seems more stronger than m-"

⤵"so if you couldn't beat an opponent not even once cause they were way more strong than you, would you-
train for the rest of your life, and break up with me?"
⤵tears were prickling your eyes, as you looked at the ground.

⤵"y/n, i-.."
he stopped in lost of words. he didn't know what to say.

Valt Aoi x Reader /scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now