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I was running at a fast pace. I couldn't catch up. It was too late, I didn't want to pull the gun out-I just did. All these random, undefined thoughts scrambling around in my head.

So let me take you back a little when things were-I shouldn't say good but not bad. When things were...okay.

"Hi, I'm Emilie...and I'm not your usual type.' By that, I mean I'm not like you.I don't obsess over boy bands or wear all victorious secret clothes. I don't know many boys that like me for these reasons, but I just let that nonsense go.

I have my best friend that I love so very much, Lucia. I love everything about her. Her Carmel colored hair, her hazel eyes, the way her body curves, and when she smiles she has these cute dimples. But let me tell you...she can be crazy.

We are both in high school. She's a sophomore and I'm a junior. She is really the only real friend I have...but she's all I need.

"Hey!" Lucia said, as I sat down to eat my lunch-peanut butter jelly with a yogurt. Reminds me of good childhood. "Glad to see you, "why?" 'Well tuck told me he wanted to meet up with you."

Ahhh, tuck-he had this cute craziness to him, he's muscular,hilarious, in the band;plays the drum, but the girls sure do love him. I love his dark brown pointed up hair, his brown eyes, and when he smiles his dimples are so attractive.

"Are you serious?, he didn't actually say that lucia' "Then go ask him yourself-if you don't believe me" Lucia said. But I don't see how I could...the cutest guy I know that thinks I'm cute! Non-believable, and besides I couldn't date him- all the preps like him and if I even got caught talking to him my ass would be going down.

"Well, I don't care.." I said unknowingly. "You don't care? He's so cute!" Started lucia. 'Just look at him.' I started to get angry while she was murmuring on about him "okay I get it Lucia" I said as I walked away.
Then I got headache, so I decided to go to the nurse...but things didn't go as planned.

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