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Oh my god.

Oh my god.


Those were the only things in my head as I was finally able to move my legs. Everything was a blur as I walked to the house and entered it. My head was running a mile a minute, only noticing my surroundings when my leg got caught on the first steps of the stairs. I could see my mother and uncle Liam curious look when they saw me taking the stairs two steps at a time and knowing him, he probably could guess what had happened.

Reaching my room, I went in and locked the door before throwing myself on my bed. It was frustrating how my mind couldn't make me remember about it sooner. I had seen his name in that black book and his name had been mentioned many times before and not once, not once did my mind go. Oh, hey. Wanna know who had a crush on him? Yeah, you!

Was it because my family and uncle Heath had been using his road name? Was it because the last time I had seen he was only fifteen? How couldn't I immediately remember my feelings for him the second I saw his name on that black book? Or when my mother or uncle Liam was telling, explaining to me about the club? Surely it would be something my mind would immediately remember, right? So, why did my mind decide to only reveal about it today? On the first day I met him again?

I let out a frustrated groan and sat up on my bed. In doing so, I caught voices and laughter coming from the backyard. I stood up and went to the window, peeking around the curtain and saw that the noise was coming from the soon to be outdoor sitting area of our house, specifically my father's workstation.

When my mother had let out that she wanted a sitting area outside, like the one we had in the city, he insisted on making the furniture himself, from scratch. Theo had offered to help him and they had been at it for the past few days. While the two of them were busy with that, a few of the men from the club were helping on building and setting up the area.

Theo and Elliot along with uncle Heath were at my father's workstation. Seeing them together, conversing and joking around, brought a smile to my face as snippets of memories went through my head.

Elliot was two years older than Theo and seeing our family were close, he was always there for as long as I could remember. He was good-looking then and now, well let's just say puberty had been good, well generous with him. He had become more good-looking and taller. He had always been tall, tall and skinny but now he was far from it. Now, he was well-built and muscular but not too much it looked bad.

I shook my head when it started to go somewhere it shouldn't go when I remembered his broad shoulders and oh my god, those biceps that were barely contained by his shirt sleeve.

The only thing that hadn't changed was that look. That look of full adoration he gave to Dodger. He always had that look for something that he loved. Then his smile, it was the same adorable, cheeky smile he had all those years ago.

My smile slowly falters when I remember his eyes, the eyes that were once full of life and happiness. They were empty, haunted. Those were the eyes that had seen too much, seen many awful things.

My eyes fell on my brother who was painting one of the lounge chairs and realised he had that same look too, maybe not as intense as Elliot but that didn't mean whatever he went through was not valid. Something that leaves a scar in you was still a scar no matter how minor they were. There was no measurement to it.

As if knowing that someone was looking at him, Elliot looked towards the window and his eyes connected with mine. I stumbled backward, heart thudding in my rib cage, my face hot. How many times am I going to embarrass myself?! Thinking I had embarrassed myself enough for the day, I decided on continuing setting up and arranging my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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