When I was doing my math, I couldn't stop thinking about the moving truck across the street. It was like trying to pull me to the window. I was able to forget about it through bio, but I went to look out the window as always when I saw the truck pull up and people come out, the parents I guess, or maybe happen to be the moving helpers? I then got called to go help cook, as it's my day to, I haven't for a while. Cooking is one of my favourite things to do but I don't know that many things to make. My mom goes to work, and my sister gets to go to in person school, I just have to get onto my laptop, in the mornings. I ended up forgetting about the truck, until the best day when it pulled up to the house again. I wanted to go greet them but I can't leave my house, even if I really wanted to. The next day went fast, I finished all my homework for the week, I was on my last English assignment, when the doorbell rings, my mom answered it, and I heard a female's voice, I wanted to know how she looked like but it was sunny outside so I couldn't go close to the door, and my mom was blocking my view of her, I was disappointed when I couldn't she her, she was just wondering if we could help with mowing and household work until there settled in but my mom was usually busy late barly gets home early, my sister is only six, I can't obviously I can't, and my nurse can't always be here with me, so my mom had no choice besides to decline sadly, I really wanted to help badly as there new.