Mess of It

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Dearest readers,

The Vauxhall ball was a spectacle of grandeur and beauty, in more ways than one. At last night's ball, an uncatchable Duke and a dimming diamond were seen dancing the night away together. This author is surprised indeed, who would have thought this unlikely pair would come together in love? Certainly not I. The couple were seen dancing by all of the ton, and it is a wonder what the bumbling Berbrooke is thinking about the stealing of his possible bride.

And then there was the crown jewel, seen dancing with none other than His Grace, Duke of Somerset. This couple was seen happily dancing the night away, a familiar sight to behold as it is reminiscent of their time at the Danbury ball . Do I detect a proposal so soon within the season? We shall see, and this author shall be here to note of it.

Yours truly,

Lady Whistledown.

The morning after the ball was absolutely wretched for Cassandra. She woke up longing for the music of the party last night, and for George to glide her across the ballroom floor. There was also the prospect of Daphne having knocked Lord Berbrooke flat out, with Cassandra as her accomplice. Just at the thought made her laugh a little to herself, moments alone were in short supply as Daphne bursts through the door excitedly, already dressed for the day.

   ' You must get up at this very moment! Make haste, Cass. There's so much to do today and so many gentleman already filing in! Let's go!' Daphne took hold of her sister's hand, trying to drag her out of bed. Men filing in? At this time of day? Wait what time is it? What is there to do? So much happening all at once. Daphne shouted for Rose, not long after her shout did Rose appear. Rose whisked Cassandra away to get changed, everything was happening so quickly. The dress, her hair was delicately taken out of the braids she was sleeping in, her long dark hair cascaded down her back in waves. The dress Rose chose for her to wear was a beautiful blue, with a headband and ring to match of the same shade.

   Daphne had waited for Cass to finish and the younger sister had led the older to the drawing room, voices of all different pitches and tones were growing louder as the girls drew near. It was something that Cassandra didn't hear it really before, as the household was always bustling with some type of sound. Entering in the drawing room, what seemed like every nook and cranny was occupied by a gentleman. All to see her and Daphne. The sisters stood in the middle of the room and addressed all of the gentleman before them, smiling brightly.

' Thank you all for coming, our apologies for our tardiness. We simply had to address a womanly issue.' Cassandra had fibbed with a fake laugh. The men chuckled in response, nodding as if they understood what she meant. As she looked around the room at the gentleman, she spotted a mop of haphazardly curly blonde hair. Looking into the eyes of the man, she locked eyes with a pair of familiar blue ones.


He came for her. It was utterly unbelievable to her that he came. In his hand he had a bunch of her favorite flowers, white baby's breath and beautifully classic red roses. George  gave the eldest Bridgerton daughter a charming smile, which Cassandra couldn't help but return. Daphne ended up addressing the crowd as well, however Cassandra did not hear a single syllable besides ' Whoever would like to come forth first may do so.' But Cassandra didn't want to wait on a man. She wanted to make a move.

Stepping away from her sister she extended her hand out to George, which he took in hers and placed a soft kiss upon her hand in greeting. The faint brush of his warm lips across her skin sent a shiver up her spine, and no doubt did her cheeks blush a faint shade of pink. As he did this his eyes never left hers, and it felt as if the two were in a world of their own.

The pair were brought back to reality as Cassandra heard a faint cough and she looked up to find the source, scanning the faces of the gentleman. It was obvious the men were attempting to conceal their jealousy at the apparent affection that was between her and George. She gave the men a somewhat challenging look, daring them with her eyes to leave if they wished. None of the men budged.

   Despite the brief tension, it was quickly diffused as Violet came into the room alongside some of the servants that were holding trays of tea and biscuits. She smiled and sighed in relief seeing all of the gentlemen that came to call upon her two daughters, seeing how they came bearing gifts to pay tribute to each young lady. She came and sat with her daughters and instructed for the tea to be poured and for the men to help themselves. Once the talking commenced, everyone was in lighter spirits.

Daphne seemed to be enjoying the attention and conversation of each suitor that seemed to be at her beck and call; completely elated at the fact that her inconspicuous plan was in full effect. Cassandra was having lovely conversations as well, except George lingered in the back of her mind. She couldn't help but think about him. His eyes, his lips, his smile. In somewhat of a daze, Cassandra momentarily snapped out of it as thudding came from outside the hall.

The thudding became louder, and Cassandra glared daggers at the door already knowing who it was before the door had even opened.


  He bursted into the room with Lord Berbrooke at his heels. Lord Berbrooke? Cassandra immediately shot up from her seat and excused herself politely from her caller and rushed over to Anthony.

' Brother, what is it that you are doing with Berbrooke in tow? This has been such an exquisite morning, leave us be at once!' She harshly and quietly whispered into her brother's ear. In response to her demand Anthony had rolled his eyes and shook his head.

' Dear sister, you and I both know that Berbrooke has been the only suitor of late that is serious about marrying Daphne. I promise you I have thoroughly looked into him and therefore the only one I have thoroughly considered.' He rested a hand on Cassandra's shoulder in attempts to reassure her, but the kind gesture was in vain as it fueled Cassandra's anger.

' And I promise you, he is not the man our sister should be marrying. As a woman especially who is out into society now and is trying to find a potential husband, Berbrooke is not it.' She gritted through her teeth. Anthony raised a brow and continued to push past her, he started to shoo everyone out of the room.

   Cassandra watched as everyone left, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a suitor approaching shyly, giving her a bow in greeting. Bowing in return, Cassandra tried to give the gentleman a more genuine smile. The suitor took something out of his jacket pocket, a letter.

A letter.

Taking the letter from his hand quite quickly and dismissing him from her presence, she opened the letter and scanned the contents; her eyes rapidly dancing across the page as she read.

The only way I thought of getting your letter to you so urgently. Meet me at St. James, 7 o' clock tonight. Do make haste and do not be late.


Biting her lip as she always does when she's nervous, she lets out a sigh. George lingered about as he was planning to wait for Colin to arrive home, and unknowingly to Cassandra he arrives at her side.

' Is something the matter Cassandra? Is there something wrong?'

Zoning out, Cassandra shakes her head before she comes to. Cupping his cheek with her hand, she caresses his cheek with the pad of her thumb and smiles softly.

' Nothing is the matter at all,"

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