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"James, be smart about this mate!" Remus Lupin tried to make his voice as loud and demanding as possible, as he commanded his friend to leave Snape alone. Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew watched, Sirius amused, worry flashing across Peter's round face. James continued to use the oppugno jinx to hurtle multiple acorns from the ground, and at a boy across the grounds with greasy black hair, and a look of pure hate on his facial expression- Severus Snape. "He's gonna attack you!"

"Then let him! That's what I'm trying to get him to do!" James Potter retorted, grinning mischievously. "And what are you on about? I could beat him. Y'know, Moony, sometimes smarts overpowers dangerous spells."

"Yes, and he's got both of those, that's why he'd win!" replied Remus. "Seriously, James."

"Oh, come off it! I could handle him!"

"You wouldn't have to if you'd just leave him alone! He's not bothering you!"
"He's never not bothering me, Rem, he's vile and disgusting and we need to show him that! Plus, it's fun. Watch." James smirked and sent another dozen acorns across the grounds and to Snape, who put his arm up as a shield and snatched his own wand from his back pocket, glaring with his upper lip curled.

"James! Look what you're doing, just stop it!" Remus, shouting now, warned. James flinched as Snape's wand came into sight. But he wasn't about to back out.

"Something wrong, Snivellus?" He taunted, smiling sarcastically.
Snape went to put his wand away and retreat, but the black haired boy with glasses and a Gryffindor uniform let out a long, cold laugh in an attempt to taunt him further. He laughed, though no one, Marauders included, was amused. Sirius had quickly become against the idea of stopping James when Snape seemed like he didn't want to curse them. "Maybe a nice shower would help you relax? Ever heard of those?"

Sirius stood up and high-fived his best friend as if they were winning.
Snape, however, raised his wand in the hopes of finally defending himself on his own.
"C-Confundo!" He exclaimed, pointing his wand and wincing.
The spell hit James square in the forehead and knocked him backward immediately. He hit the ground with a thump and lay unconscious on the green grass. A group of Hufflepuff girls squeaked in horror and scurried off in a pack. Eridana Fornax, a Gryffindor girl in the same year as them approached them in a jog and crouched down beside James, seemingly checking his pulse. Remus was moaning and groaning in worry while Peter and Sirius panicked and ran into each other, colliding and bonking foreheads.

"Snape didn't cast that spell right. He's a goner, oh, I've lost my best friend. I didn't even try to stop him!" Sirius fretted, pulling at his curly hair.
Eridana rolled her eyes. "Lupin, Black, pick him up by his upper arms. Pettigrew, help me with his feet."
The two brown haired boys listened, both grabbing one of his arms. The top half of his body was hoisted off of the ground. Peter whimpered and reluctantly wrapped his hands around his left ankle while Eridana took hold of his right.
"OK- on the count of three, Pettigrew and I will walk backwards toward the infirmary. You two follow with the top half of his body. Ready?" The girl ordered.

All three boys exchanged nervous looks, but one by one they nodded.
"Three... two.... One!"
They lifted him up, but he was weightless. It was as though he was a magnet being pulled away from their grasp. Eridana assumed immediately that Remus and Sirius were incredibly strong, but Sirius panicked and let go of his arm- James stayed floating. They looked around hurriedly to find what could have been lifting him besides them, and saw a determined looking Lily Evans standing with her wand held out in front of her, her face twisted in concentration. Eridana smiled, waving her over with the hand she'd let go of James with. Remus breathed out. Sirius ran a hand through his shoulder length hair. Peter seemed to be recollecting himself, rubbing his palms together and whimpering.

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