Chapter 1: Just a Dream

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"Please, wait!"

I had no clue where I was, I only knew that whoever was in front of me was not turning around. I knew who it was, actually. But the name refused to come. Even when I saw her face, I couldn't find the name.

"I'm sorry...I cannot stay...just keep going, child. Do not give up."

"You can't leave me here alone! What am I supposed to do?! I cant do anything!"

"Im sorry....Its hard for me too...but I must be going...Stay Strong, never look back, just as I am."

"Wait! Please!"

I chased after the person, who only seemed to be walking, disappearing into a bright light. I followed after, not noticing the edge of the cliff until it was too late. I plummeted down, the water below rushing to meet me.


My body jerked up as I let out a choked scream. For a split second, my fear of the dark took over, and I slapped the button of the lamp.

Light. No water. I was relived.  Chuckling at my childlike behavior, I shut the light off again, and stared at the ceiling.

What was that all about? Who was that? Trying to remember the face got me nowhere, I couldn't bring it back. ....Whatever...I should probably get some more sleep...

I rested my head down onto the pillow, the light from my window falling onto my face.


I hadn't slept a wink after that dream. It bugged me all throughout work, eventually causing me to trip and fall in the workout room-and slam my face onto the weights.

"Detective Robyn, Its been a while since you've hurt yourself." One of my coworkers teased. I growled slightly, holding the icepack against my face.

"Shut up, I was distracted."

"Sure." He said, "Maybe it's just that klutziness coming back to haunt you."

"I said shut up, Officer. That's an order."

He grumbled, leaving the room. Being a higher rank sure had its perks.

"Hey Robyn, Nice to see that face of yours again." My boss said with a smile. I knew he probably needed something, he was never like this.

"What is it, Sir?"

He sighed, "I need you and Steven to go check out a noise complaint."

"What?! Send John! I'm a Rank 1 detective, not a Recruit Officer!!"

"Detective, Johns not good enough. The poor boys and idiot. Can ya do this for me, just once?"

I stared at him. I really didn't want to take another mission, it was just no fun. I had enough, what with last nights investigation on the murder over on West 10th Street. But, this was my ranking officer...I would have to anyways. He was just trying to make things easy.

"Yes Sir, I'll handle it."

"Great!" He shouted, patting my back, "Get right on it! I don't understand these younger kids, Who plays loud music at 8:00 in the morning? Shouldn't they be outside, or hanging out with..." He disappeared into his office, where I suspect he continued his rambling.

I tossed the bag away, "Steven! Come on, lets go!"

I jumped into the front seat of the sqaud car- my unmarked 2012 Dodge Charger. It was black, because I preferred not to attract attention. I mean, I had to look normal, right?

I started the car up, With Steven jumping into the passenger side, "What're we doing?"

"Noise Complaint on Ludlow," I said. He looked surprised.

"WHAT?! They sent a Detective on a Noise Complaint?! Why not John!"

"I said that too," I sighed, taking a turn, "But I mean, It was the bosses orders. He wanted me on it."

The car was silent for the four more minutes we drove, before I found the house. You could hear the music from the end of the road, I'm not even joking. Pulling up onto the curb, my eyes locked onto one of the faces. He looked familiar...oddly familiar...And I must've looked familiar too, because he tapped his buddies shoulders and pointed me out. 

The three of them stared, and I was intrigued by the man with the silver hair. He honestly looked really, really familiar....more familiar than all of them. As we walked up the steps, they walked up to me, "Bonjour, Miss," The blonde on said.

I looked around the area, "Who's house is this?"

"Getting right to business, ah? This happens to be my good friend Alfreds house."

"Really now? May I speak to Mr. Alfred?"

Silver-Hair stared at me, and I stared back, before the third interrupted, "Relax, Señorita, we'll get him for you."

He tugged the others into the room, and Steven looked at me, "Hey....what was up with you and that one guy?"

"I have no clue..." I muttered.

"Someone's hear looking for me?"

We both turned to the door, and my heart stopped. That face...Those eyes...That stupid haircut and his coat. "A-America?" I asked meekly. He stared back, before signaling me and Steven to go inside. I followed after, still untrusting. Maybe they didn't recognize me? Maybe he thought I was a spy or something?

Whatever it was, I'm glad I trust my gut feeling because in the next instant, I was shoved into a room and Alfred stared at me, his once kind, blue eyes, now narrowed and Icy, "How do you know about me?"


That was my sucky re-write. Way different, right? Hope you dudes like it, I spent months re-planning...Sorry if you don't...

*curls up in ball on floor*

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