Secrets Of A Crossdresser (A OHSHC FanFic)

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Summary: Taiyo is a very unfortunate person. He has to go to a school he doesn't care about, and complete a horrifying mission. Only thing is, 'he' isn't a 'he' at all. Her real name is Kiku, and she can't let anyone find out her secret, unlike the lucky Haruhi who has all of the Host club protecting her. When Kiku joins the host club, how will she hold tight to her secret gender, and secret past?

Chapter one: The Sun Arrives

 I bounded my way through the top steps, making sure no won had seen that. It's embarasing when you're fly is down. I knew this school wouldn't tolerate me messing up.

So, of course I go and mess up again, by getting lost on the way to the office. The school was so freaking huge, I, being directionally challenged, got lost easily. I accidently bumped into someone, and I was scared. What if they hated me? I looked up to find a shorter male... Wait, was he a boy? He looked a little too pretty to be a boy.

"Um.. I'm sorry." The boy said. And I started to blush. "No, no, I'm sorry... Mr.?" I asked for his name.

"Oh.. Just call me Haruhi." He said. "Oh, well, I'm Taiyo." I smiled my sea blue eye smile. The one that made many people learn to like me. "Oh, doesn't that mean Sun?" Haruhi guessed. "It does." I nodded. And considering my situation, I decided to ask him, "Do you happen to know where the office is?" He nodded, and led me in the opposite direction of where I was oringinally going. Soon, we came across the office. I turned to Haruhi. 

"What, a cruel fate this is," I started, "But alas, I'm sure we will meet again, flower of kindness," and I stepped through the office door, leaving a shocked Haruhi in my wake.


"Someone exactly like Boss?" The twins said at the same time, and I nodded. That boy was very similar to sempai, and he creeped me to the bone. But at the same time he was like the warm sun, making everyone smile.

I'm sure that we'll meet Taiyo again.


I walked down to the classroom that I would learn in for the rest of the year. I ran in the classroom when the teacher beckoned for me, and I said : "I'm Taiyo! Nice to meet you!"

The sun has arrived.






The person is Kiku in Taiyo form.

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