The Beginning

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It was that time of year, time for college to begin and the stupid childish games of high school to end. I've never been much of a child on the contrary growing up in a strict environment. My dad is a college professor and my mom is not really in the picture anymore. She used to be up until a couple years ago when she got off really bad on pills and drugs. My mom used to be a strong independent woman that was heading in the right direction with her career in medicine, but then it all changed. My dad took over mommy role and has been taking care of me and now I'm going to college to major in pediatrics.

I got up from my bed after a little while of my alarm sounding walking over turning it off. Looking at the small calendar that hung above my mirror it was the day I moved out and into a college dorm. Living with my dad can sometimes be a little overwhelming so I made the decision to move out. Laci my best friend since the fifth grade will be coming by later to look at the dorm and spend some time with me. Sadly its also the day that we part and sail on different ships on new adventures without one another.

I walked down the stairs of our small home the smell of pancakes hitting my nose. The aroma was delightful as I peered into the kitchen seeing my dad in an apron I got him years ago for fathers day flipping pancakes.

"Morning dad!" I smiled walking on into the kitchen as he turned around to look at me. A smile filled his face but then slowly faded soon after. "Aw dad come on, don't be sad." I wrapped an arm around him. 

"My little baby has grown up and is moving out." He said with a small chuckle trying to lighten the moment.

"Dad you'll see me at college everyday anyways." I laughed him nodding and laughing with me. He knew I was right.

"I know, I just wont be seeing you at home anymore. It'll be a whole different environment for me." Dad flipped the pancake and placed it on a plate with bacon and sausage already on it handing it to me. I smiled taking the plate and grabbing a fork and the syrup.

"And I wont have your amazing cooking awaiting me anymore wither. We both have to deal with drastic changes dad." He laughed shaking his head joining me a the table.

We sat and talked for awhile even after I finished eating just about anything and everything. I'll miss my dad of course, but a break will be good for both of us. Dad and I needed to get off to the college anyways. Los Angeles is a busy place and always rushing around here. I needed to get my things over to my dorm and meet my new roommate. Something inside me though really doesn't want to meet this girl. You know the movies and how good things play out to be bad. What if this is like one of those awfully written but suspenseful movies that goes all bad and you can practically predict everything! God that's everything I don't need to happen.


After I got dressed and help dad clean up from breakfast I loaded down my car with all my things. Dad helped before he left having to go prepare his classroom for the arrival of new students. Locking up the house I did the same heading to my new "home" to meet this roommate of mine that I will be having to stay with for the rest of this year.

Not long of driving I arrived at the college. The parking lot buzzed with students. Everywhere you look there was people galore! Smiling faces and hugging. You could barely get through the place. All I want is to find a parking spot, unpack, and be done with today already. I'd like to enjoy this last day of freedom before I have to get to being all serious again.

Making my way through I eventually was able to find a parking space and begin unloading my things. Lucky for me the parking lot was by the dorms and the college was across the street from the dorms so there's no being late or having to carry in a million boxes causing my arms so much pain they feel as if they are about to fall off!

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