Party Night

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Harry and I walked up to the house which was only a few blocks away from my dorm. I looked up at it, lights flashing on and off every different color from inside the home. You could see black figures dancing around, and bottles of cups in their hands.

"Well are you going to just stand there?" Harry spoke as I snapped out of my thoughts. He was already making his way towards the door. Quickly walking after him I grabbed his arm, latching ahold of him.

"You brought me here, so you better not ditch me." I growled.

Harry chuckled shaking his head. "Damn Alaiyla, you need to relax."

I shook my head not bothering to argue with sir stupid. We walked in and the smell of alcohol immediately hit my nose. It was strong too, not a light smell. I'm surprised I couldn't smell it before walking in, that's how strong it was.

"Hey Harry!" A tall dark headed boy called from on top of the kitchen counter. He jumped off with a red solo cup in his hand making his way through the compacted crowd to Harry and I.

"Hey James!" Harry and the boy also known as James bro hugged before fist bumping.

"So who's that?" James asked looking me over quickly before making eye contact with Harry once again.

"My tutor." Harry busted into a fit of laughter. "Her names Alaiyla, Mr. Grace's daughter." He explained.

"Miss goody-goody shouldn't be here." James looked at me.

"I can be wherever I want." I stated firmly. James' eyes widened as he laughed lightly.

"Got yourself a keeper Harry." James winked before patting Harry's shoulder and walking off into the crowd.


I sat on a small sofa very uncomfortable in this situation having lost Harry. I had no clue where he was, as much as I looked he was no where in sight.

A girl with brown curly locks sat down beside me as she took a sip from a glass bottle.

"Got a name?" She asked leaning back.

"Alaiyla. You?"

"I'm Zeni." She smiled. "That's not my real name but it's what I have always been called." She nodded taking another sip of her alcoholic beverage.

"I like it. May I ask you something?" I changed the subject seeing this may be my only shot.


"Okay. Have you seen Harry? He has brown hair to his-" she cut me off quickly.

"I know who he is! Who doesn't?!" She laughed letting me know she needed no description of him. "He's outside by the pool." She smiled.

"Okay thanks." I got up but my arm was yanked quickly pulling me back down. I looked seeing Zeni's hand gripped on my arm.

"You talk to Harry?! Are you two like a thing?" She was persistent about her question all seriousness in her face as her eyes narrowed on me.

"Hell no!" I scoffed pulling my arm free from her grasp. She smiled and nodded seeming very happy to hear that. After that she leaned back and I walked away to the pool to scope out Harry.


Harry stood by the pool with a cup in his hand chanting something I couldn't quite understand. There was a girl that stood on the diving board by the pool holding a bottle of liquor in her hand. She had blonde hair like mine, but hers was short, about shoulder length while mine was a little below my mid back. Her eyes were brown and she seemed like the type of girl that got whatever she wanted at the snap of her fingers. I was in complete disgust of her.

Harry turned to see me eyeing him and the others that surrounded the pool as he waved me over to him. I shook my head not wanting anything to do with whatever dumb shit was going on over there.

"Come on Alaiyla! The bet remember! Live a little!" He yelled holding his red solo cup in the air.

Damn..I almost forget about that dumb little bet we made. If I want him out of my hair then I need to show him I can have fun too, but also because I hate losing.

Walking over to the side of the house was a stack of red solo cups and a huge keg. I grabbed one and filled it up, bubbly suds flowing over the rim of my glass. Taking a sip it was beer, the good beer too. Not that nasty cheap beer that makes you gag at the smell, the nice classy kind.

I walked over to Harry and this other boy which stood by him. He glanced down at my hand which held the beer then up at me smirking.

"Well well well, someone's getting drunk tonight."

"Please, I'm not getting drunk." I said taking a drink.

"Fine, someone's getting sick." He laughed.

I narrowed my eyes at him cocking my head to the side before letting out a dry short laugh. Harry looked at me with raised brows confused.

"I can hold my liquor unlike some." I stated proudly. An eyebrow rose in amazement as he smirked once more.

"I don't know if I can believe you Grace." He scoffed with a little tease. "How about a little game." He grabbed my arm pulling me over towards the keg and cups. There was a small table that seated two. Harry grabbed the cup from my hand and sat it on the table along with his. I looked at him weirdly.

"Adam! Bring me four shot glasses!" Harry yelled to the boy who was standing by him minutes ago at the pool. The boy nodded running into the house.

"So here's the rules. One glass of beer and two hard shots of tequila." He spoke taking a seat, me doing the same sitting across from him. "The first to finish wins. We put in money and others that watch put down money on who they think will win. The winner gets all the money. The only rule is, you can't touch another persons glass and you have to drink the glass of beer first." Harry spoke. "Sound good?" He asked smirking.

"Get ready to clean out your wallet Styles." I smirked back as Adam brought out the four shots of tequila. He places two in from of me and two in front of Harry.

People gathered around us as I pulled out a hundred dollar bill from my wallet.

"Someone's cheap." Harry laughed pulling out three one hundered dollar bills laying them on top of my money in the center of the table. Soon there was a crowd of people all putting down money saying who they thought would win and standing behind them. Most of them said Harry and went to Stand behind him and cheer him on. I had a couple people bet on me and stand behind me cheering.

"Ready?!" Adam said loudly. "GO!" He yelled.

Harry quickly grabbed his beer drinking it fast. I grabbed mine taking a couple drinks at a time being careful not wanting to choke.

Harry was a little under a half, me just getting to a half glass. Soon Harry finished slamming down his cup, the people behind him cheering loudly. I took another drink the people behind me urging me to chug but I shook my head taking another drink.

"Looks like I'll be eating good the next couple days." Harry said with satisfaction taking one shot of tequila as I finished my beer. Everyone behind him screaming happily rooting for him.

Quickly I placed my cup over his last shot of tequila smirking. Harry reached to remove my glass then I laughed.

"Ah ah ah, you can touch another persons glass." I smirked taking my two shots of tequila the crowd erupting into 'ohhhhh' and cheers.

I grabbed in all the money from the table shoving it into my wallet and some in my pocket until I could get home and sort it all out properly. Getting up as the crowd dispersed Harry glanced at me as I laughed.

"Clever girl."

"That's why I'm your tutor." I patted his chest as I began to walk away.

Harry then grabbed my arm pulling me back to him as he leaned in, his hot breath hitting my ear, my nostrils filling with the scent of alcohol as he spoke.

"I'll teach you a thing or two as well. I won't be the only one learning." He let go of my arm as I turned to face him. Harry winked then turned around walking away.

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