Author note : Hi guys, so I'm super excited to translate this story for my friend. I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with the prologue of the story, so I hope that you do too. Oh and the picture is the color of Lovely's hair, good reading !
***Lonely Parkers
How come that I could hear the Rolling Stones singing Beast of Burden, I mean, I'm certainly not that high and last time I checked the Rolling Stones weren't rehearsing in my room. It's only after a few minutes that I actually realize that it's the alarm of my phone blaring. I hastily try to get a hold of the infernal machine that is my phone and put an end to this torture. Thank god, I swear my head is going to implode ! Memories of last night slowly come back making the killer headache, that I'm enduring, hurt a little bit more at each flashbacks. I really shouldn't have forced on the vodka last night ! Lazily and a little wobbly I make my way to the door. My mother should have gone to work by now, so there's no risk of being scolded for coming back home at 4am completely wasted. And let's be honest, why should she care about me getting drunk with people that I barely know at some party ? Not a care in the world. My clothes reek from the smell of cigarette and I swear I could still smell the blunt that Mely smoked earlier in the morning. Speaking of morning, what time is it ? I unlock my phone and it displays 2pm. What ?! Gosh it feels like I've only slept for a few minutes. I'm really gonna have to go to sleep way more early, if I wanna survive the first day of class which is getting closer and closer. I approximately have a little bit more than a week before that, but I'm not really enthusiast about going to college. I mean, if you get rid of the frat parties and just parties in general, there's not that much left behind ! Oh well, that's student life I guess. After a minute or two in my closet, I decide to grab a black sweatshirt, a grey sweatpants and of course, my clean underwear. With this hangover, I am certainly not doing anything today. On the way to the bathroom, I grab my dress and throw it in the dirty laundry basket. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get rid of that raccoon on my face that uses to ne my makeup, take a shower, blow dry and untangle my hair and finally get dress up. I think it took me two tries to actually put sweatpants without falling face first. And let's not forget to brush our teeth because this aftertatste of alcohol isn't too pleasant. It is so disgusting that I swear to never drink alcohol like I did yesterday. Even though, I'm pretty sure that I'll do it again if you put a bottle of vodka in my sight, and trust me that I'll empty it without a remorse. They say that I'm going to be alcoholic but I know it isn't true and that I drink to escape this life even just for a few hours. Whatever, I'll survive on myself just like I did for the last 17 years. Exiting my bedroom, I stumble on something, more precisely my not-so-small Great Dane. "Oh come on Falcon, get out of the way !" He tries to stand up with trouble and stays put in front of me. "Alright I got it, let me eat my breakfast and we'll go for a walk." I tell him with a sigh. Falcon barks at me as if he just understood what I told him. He descends the stairs with excitement making me stumble more than once on his near 177lb body. After eating almost all of my Lucky Charms in my bowl, I grab my worned out Vans and jacket, call Falcon to the front door, attach the leash to his collar and get out. Outside, the sun is out and the clouds inexistent. I think I might sweat in the clothes I'm wearing but refuse to go back and change by pure laziness. After walking for 20minutes, I get closer to Central Park and feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I take it out of my pocket, unlock it and see that I received a message from my friend Niki, knowing him it's probably an invitation to another party at his place or at Ailey's place. At the exact same time a car comes out of nowhere going straight toward me and my dog. I firstly think that the driver's going to see me and slow down but that doesn't happen. So I decide to quickly move aside with Falcon just in time, cause the car crashes against the fence right behind the place I was standing at a few seconds before. Just a second later, and I would have been between the car and the fence not in good shape and most likely dead. I nervously pat Falcon's head in hope to slow down my ragged breathing. Once I'm calm enough, I get closer to the driver's side window and freeze. There, in the driver seat, with his head crushed and blood everywhere, my friend Niki. I can't believe it, I must be dreaming ! I pinch myself and realize that all of this is real. His body is dislocated due to the impact of the accident. His face, his arms, his legs, his entire self look like a rag doll, a broken, bloody and dead rag doll. I get back to my senses grab my phone, open the text that Nikki send me and I freeze all over again :From NIKI:)
At 16:17 :
Lony u'r in danger ! U need 2 hide ASAP ! Please protect ursefl !!His text message makes my blood run cold, when suddenly my phone vibrates again, seeing the message notification I open it :
From Unknown
At 16:25 :
Player 1 : Niki Cald - ELIMINATED
Player 2 : Lonely Parkers - WAITING FOR RULES
(The rules will be sent to you after confirmation of the message's reading)
That the game begins.
Good luck Player 2.
Hey, hoped you like it, feel free to leave a comment, vote and share and don't forget to check out ophelbab account where is the original story in French. See you at the next and first chapter bye bye !

Mystery / Thriller~~ ALERT : This is just the translation of my friend's story, who wrote it in french. This is not my work, I only do the translation. ~~ In one of NYC's college, there's a girl named Lonely Parkers. She lives the life of the party, getting drunk eve...