Chapter 1

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Author note: Hey, so here's the first chapter and I'm super excited for you to read it so I'll leave you to it!
Lonely Parkers
My eyes are stuck to the words written on my phone, I feel like I'm reading in Chinese even though the meaning of those words is very clear to me. The meaning is very clear yet my brain refuses to do the connection. And suddenly the connection is back, a whirlwind of emotions come to me but only 2 overpowered the others and they were anger and incomprehension. "What the hell is going on ?!" I exclaim in the middle of the sidewalk, still next to the damaged car, before I realized that a crowd had formed around the accident and me. I look again at what used to be my friend Niki, to see a lifeless, broken body. The blood still pouring out of his head to his neck, the airbag making it impossible to see the expression on his face. Yet the wounds caused by the pieces of broken glass and metal are as visible as ever. My friend is now just a heap of flesh and blood in the carcass of a car that wasn't even his own, "It can't be real..." I say still in a state of disbelief. I can hear the siren of the paramedics behind me and that's when the reality hit me hard. I breakdown, fall to my knees next to my dog, who stands there waiting for me to take him home, completely clueless to the chaos surrounding him. The tears just keep on flowing down my hollowed cheeks, ignoring the people around me. People that must be seeing the expression of terror and devastation on my face. But most of all, a broken teenage girl who just saw her childhood friend die, in front of her own eyes, in a tragic car accident which should have taken her life along the way. I feel someone tap on my shoulder, swallow back my tears and turn my head. And in front of me is a man in the paramedic's outfit, his face full of compassion. "Did you get hurt miss ?" he asks, looking me up and down the best he could since I was still on my knees. "I... I don't think so" I stutter, "but him..." I say pointing in the direction of the driver side, the paramedic follows my finger and sees Niki. His face morphs from compassion to horror, "Oh my god, Clark, hurry up ! There's a badly injured victim !" he screams. "There's no need, I murmur, his already dead. Look at his... his head...", his gaze comes back to me. He opens his mouth to say something but apparently stops himself by closing it and his lips form a line. He probably wonders why I'm here. A tall blond appears next to me and asks "Where's the injured ?! Who's that girl and what is she doing here ?", "He's dead ! And the girl just survived this accident by not being crushed between the car and the fence ! What am I doing here ? Would you've preferred me to run away as if nothing happened ?!" I scream at him from utter shock, probably cutting his colleague from answering him. "Oh ! My apologies... You're alright ? Did you know the driver ?" he asks me turning his head to Niki. "Yeah right. I'm good and no, I don't know this guy." I lie, turning my head away. I get up and grab Falcon's leash, I confirm that I'm alright to the brunette paramedic on my right. The polite one, not the jerk. With shaky legs and the face still wet from my tears, I turn around under the questioning and curious look of the crowd behind the yellow tape. I didn't even see that the police was here. My brain quickly gets to work, maybe I could show the messages to the police ? The officers would take me to their office and I could explain them everything. They would open a case and search for the person who sent me the message. I unlock my phone and see that I received a new message, I probably didn't feel it vibrate because of the shock I was in since it has been 10minutes since I received it. I pass the yellow tape with Falcon by my side but still make sure that I'm close enough to the police officers just for security measures. I open the message and hold my breath :
From Unknown
At 16:32 :
Player 2 : Lonely Parkers
Hello Lony and welcome to the WICKED GAME.
I'll remind you that you're participating to this game from your own will since the 23 August 2015 at 3:49AM. You cannot cancel your participation once you enrolled in.
Here are the rules and conditions of WICKED GAME :
Rules :
-You're absolutely forbidden of contacting the police or anybody, for that matter, enforcing the law. If you break that rule, you will be eliminated in the coming hour.
-You're absolutely forbidden of talking about WICKED GAME to your family or entourage. If you break that rule, the people aware will automatically be part of the game in the category "Hunted".
-To every message that you will receive with the subject "WICKED GAME", you will have to do whatever the message is telling you to do. If you break that rule, you will be eliminated in the coming hour.
-Any attempt of escape or suicide is absolutely forbidden. If you break that rule, your family and entourage will either be eliminated or automatically added to the game.
-If a hidden call appears on your phone screen, you will have to answer. If you break that rule, you will be eliminated in the coming hour.
Conditions :
The WICKED GAME only as 25 players pre-selected but it can add other players on their will or not. WICKED GAME can at any moment being paused and played back, according to the "Dictator's" will. Rules can be added and modified at any moment given. The WICKED GAME has 5 categories of players :
-The Hunters : They hunt down, find and kill the hunted or will get eliminated. They also have to stay alive.
-The Hunted : They have to hide from the hunters and stay alive.
-The Liars : They hide among other players and can play as players in other categories. They also have to stay alive.
-The Guardians : Being 5, they have to protect the hunted (each hunted has a guardian). They cannot be killed but can be wounded.
-The Limitless : They are allowed to kill any player except the guardians. They also are allowed to kill each other.
The goal :
The principle of the WICKED GAME is simple, each players receive an anonymous message indicating how many players are active, which ones are eliminated, the number of new players and a message with a task to accomplish. However, at any moment given, a player's category can be changed by a simple message and by the same moment get the task of someone else. Moreover, if a guardian kill another player by accident or willingly, this one either becomes hunted or a hunter. The guardian cannot be killed, he can be injured, so if he ever came to die from the injury, the author of those won't be taken for responsibility and fear elimination. The identity of each players won't be revealed so that the game does not become too easy. The only clue given is that each players know another player who knows another one... It's a circle. A circle that will end only and ONLY when one player is left in the game.
Your goal :
Try not to die too fast and be the last one standing.
Read multiple times the rules and conditions if needed.
You will receive a message tomorrow morning indicating your category and that will officialize your entry in the game.
I probably read the message at least 6 times, the terror growing bigger each time. I could hear my heart thumping in my head and view was getting blurred. What the hell is going on ? I accepted to participate into a game where my only destiny is to die ? Never, I would have accepted to play to that twisted game ! I was drunk ! Wasted !! I didn't know what the hell I was saying, I don't even remember ever talking about this game with anybody ! It's impossible, all of this must and has to be a really bad joke. And yet, if it did was a joke, Niki would've never have this accident and he would've never have been identified as Player 1, and yet again, I would've never receive a message telling me that he was eliminated. It can be true, but I just can't believe it. I turn off my phone. I don't want that crap. That's bullshit who would be crazy enough to create that sick and perverted game and in which one you have to kill people ! Nobody wants to do that kind of stuff. I ink in my head that I really shouldn't believe this text from a crazy anonymous. I have to think about something else. Niki. That's right, Niki, I'm sure he warned me about some girl who was looking for me because I was completely wasted and I made out her boyfriend. Yeah, that must be it, I do remember making out with a tall brunette with grey eyes. His girlfriend saw us, made a scene and promise that she would find me and tear my head off my shoulders. Whatever. Even though the message is haunting my thoughts. I turn around and see the cops' van. The first rule comes back to my head and I get scared shitless. I'm scared because I don't know if all of that is real. I want to go there but a little voice in my head is stopping me from doing it. I go back to my apartment, tightening Falcon's leash around my hand as if it was the only thing keeping me alive. Once I'm home, I shut the front door and let my back slide against it. Throughout the entire way back home, I kept on looking at every street's corner, scared that a car or a truck came from it trying to crush me again ! And now I have trouble breathing, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I don't now what to do anymore, is it true or is it the biggest bad joke that has ever been done ? Why ? I'd like to call my mom, but I'm way too scared. My father is on the other side of the world and can't contact me... I feel Falcon's head settle on my knees. It has been approximately 20minutes that I'm huddled in front of the front door. I really shouldn't have drink last night, it would have save me the trouble right now ! The events of this afternoon made my appetite disappear, it should be 7PM right now but I still won't eat tonight and I can't concentrate. I go into my bedroom, Falcon following me. Once we're inside my room, he gets on my bed. I swear this dog is so big that he probably took most of the space on my bed ! I get under the cover in my clothes too exhausted to get into my pajamas and stare at the ceiling. I think about Niki that I saw last night for the last time. We shared the vodka together and argued to know which one of us was the most addicted to smoking. I knew him since I was 4 and I grew up with him. He was always so happy and caring. I remember the smile he had every time we met. Those memories make the tears come back, the pain is too much and I break down. I finally fall asleep from crying too much. Sleep made me forget nearly everything, except one : Am I really going to receive an anonymous message tomorrow morning that would turn my life into a game and that the only possible end is to die ?
So hope you liked the first chapter of WICKED GAME, feel free to leave a comment, vote and share bye bye !

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