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Something's wrong...

Something's definitely wrong...

[M/N]'s been...

...Awfully quiet....

This is not normal, not one bit..

He didn't annoy Xiao, nor is he with the Traveler-HECK! Xiao didn't even saw him in the first place! He had asked Verr and she didn't even saw him set foot in the Inn!

Xiao look through every corner of the Inn, thinking that the God was just playing a game with him and got Verr in it-only to find out... he's nowhere to be found...

This drove Xiao into overdrive.

'Where is he? There's no way he leaved without saying a word, that will be out of character for him-but, did he actually?! If so where did he go to? Liyue? Mondstadt? Inazuma? But why would he go there?! Does he have some unfinished business? Making a contract? Attending a festival? Revenge? What is his motive?! Perhaps he's kidnapped! No that can't be it-it's impossible to kidnapped a God like him... or... did he got bored of me? Is he mad at me for what I did? Is it about the accident?! No... no, it couldn't be... he doesn't even remember me... so it can't be about the accident... then-was it a dream? Was all of that a dream? Or perhaps... a hallucination? Did I missed him that much? To the point I start hallucinating about him?'

Xiao punched his own forehead as if he's trying to wake himself up from this dream or hallucination. The pain Xiao felt on his forehead only proofs him wrong, that it wasn't a dream nor a hallucination. He shakes his head, trying to lessen the pain a little. If it wasn't a hallucination, then... where is he?

Xiao immediately took off, trying to find [M/N].

First, he look through the Harbor-well not directly as he tried not to be notice by the mortals there. After a few minutes of searching through the Harbor, Xiao couldn't found him.

Second, he decided to search through Liyue. He looked at every corners of Liyue. But alas, he still couldn't find him.

Third, is what Xioa would call 'a last resort.' That is... to search all of Teyvat.

And yet... he couldn't find him... He couldn't find [M/N]...
Something's off...

Something's definitely off...

There's... an odd presence...

Odd-yet familiar.

Where have I felt this before?

...I don't know..

It's like meeting him again...

...In the garden.

It's the same feeling.

This is not normal, not at all...

I can't seemed to shake the feeling of familiarity of it.

I have to get to the bottom of this.
"Gaaahh! Quit it with that stuff! I'm still kicking it!"

"Sure you are, old man~"

"I'm not old!!"

"In fact, you're older than me, [M/N]!"
I still find it strange that you always called me an old man, yet you're older than me.
The wind blows softly making the leaves and grass rustle.

As the sun sets, two figures are sitting on top of the grass field while watching the sunset.

"Hey... [M/N].."

A Ghost Of You [Xiao X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now