Chapter 4

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When school was finally over I waited by the car for Mika because knowing her she is talking to people right now. As I start to close my eyes and let the sun beam my face I hear boots clicking on the pavement " guess what we are hanging out with our new friends this Saturday " Mika said with a huge smile on her face " you know I don't do friends " I said with a serious look" oh come on just go with me so I don't have to be all by myself"
"You won't be you will have your group of friends "
" yeah but I would feel so much safer and much much more comfortable with you there" Mika was giving me the puppy dog eyes and one thing to know about Mika is it's very hard to resist them.

" ughhhh fine but only this time and only for a couple hours I have a hot date" I said with a smirk
" with who" Mika said with a serious face ? "With my bed and popcorn " Mika rolled her eyes " get in the car" once we got home we walked in the door well I should say almost got into the door when our mom almost knocked us down from her hug " awww my baby's how was your first day any cute boy" mom said will her eyebrows raised " mom it was ok and no you know I don't do that"

" oh but I do" Mika said with a grin on her face ." Whatever I'm going to go take a shower and lay down I love you mom "
"Hey what about me" Mika said with a mad face
" I love you toooo Mika " " I love you to brat"
From upstairs I yelled " hey I wouldn't call me that if you don't want to go alone on Saturday "
"wait nooo I love uou so so much your the best sister in the whole world" ya ya I think to myself as I walk into my room I walk over to my closet and get out some Christmas pajamas pants and a black hoodie . I also grab my undergarment and walk to the shower and turn that bad boy hot.

As I step in the hot water goes down my body and relaxes my muscles. I take this time to shave . I walked out the shower and grabbed my soft white towels one for my hair and one for my body. I get dressed and brush my hair I decided I was going to let my hair air dry. I walk down stairs to the kitchen and  open the freezer I decided I would grab a frozen pizza ( my Italian side is hating me right now) . I put that in the oven while . Once the timer went off I grab the pizza out and started to cut into it then I heard footsteps they were coming closer then I jump . Only to see Mika with a face masks on it was green and it freaked my out. " why—why did you jump" Mika said laughing in her sentence " I mean have you seen your self I don't know you were doing one" I said " ooo can I have a slice" Mika said rubbing her hands together " sure " we both took our slices and went to our rooms " good night sissy " Mika said " good night brat" I said with a fake smile on .once I got into my room I set down my pizza on my desk because I don't like eating on my bed .

Once I was done with my pizza I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face . I turn off the bathroom light and walk to my star light thing my mom got for me I turn it on and lay down in my bed and slowly drift to sleep..

I woke up to music playing in the room right near to me and If you could guess that's Mika's room .I bang on the wall to tell her to turn it down and went back to bed for another hour .I slowly open my eyes to breakfast right in front of me with a smiling Mika which means she wants something." Mikaaa what is this and what do you want" I say with a grumpy morning tone" oh my lovely sister I can't just make breakfast for you without wanting something "
I said bluntly "no" she sighed " oh I guess your right so I accidentally invited them over for a sleep over after we hang out today " I look up at her with an angry face . Your probably like why are you so angry well if you can't already tell I don't like people nor do I like noise and if you put my sister and friends in the same room you get a very angry Mila.

" why would you do that you know I literally can't stand people I barely stand you " I say that last part with a smirk but she doesn't look to happy . "Mila one that is rude and please just hangout with us for a day and I won't bug you again " she smiles " well I know that last part is a lie but sure but none of that painting nails and girly stuff ok " she looks up like she forgot to tell me something." Oh um I kinda invited even the boys" she slowly backs up and makes a run for it while I throw a pillow at her.

As we get ready for the day I just put on another white hoodie that was maxes and some black sweatpants . Whenever I wear his clothes I feel like he is always with me so that's why I keep wearing his stuff. But in the other hand Mika goes all out but today she kept is simply kinda she is wearing  blue ripped mom jeans with a white shirt and a denim jacket with little black boots . She also curled her hair and did a natural makeup look with rings and necklaces. I just put my hair in a bun and called it a day.

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