Chapter 2

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No one's POV

It was 12:15 am and hwa-young was walking on the street.
She headed towards her apartment.
Today was so tiring day for her and while walking she entered in a convenient store to purchase some cup ramyeon and cola. While She was having her food she saw one man leaving the store but he forgot his phone on the table

Hwa-young's POV

O... I think that man forgot his phone so i took that phone went out of the store and saw that his car was coming to my direction.
As he got off the car I called him
"Excuse me sir"
"Are you in search of something"
"Ya, I lost my phone "
"Don't worry, I have your phone"
"YA!!! how you can stole one's phone, you don't have any manners.. Blah blah....
"Hey STOP! how you can blame anyone without knowing reality. I came in search of you so that I can return your phone but instead of thanking me you are just yelling at me"

"Sorry, so so sorry, I didn't meant it, I was just not in good mood, really sorry "

They both left the store

Hwa-young's POV

God... I never saw such person in my life
How one can be that rude

When I was waiting for his car to return,
I saw his phone's wallpaper.. think so that was his photo with his mom and guess what, that was the same lady I met at airport.
That lady was so sweet & kindhearted but his son has all opposite behaviours than his mom

Hwa-young reached home

She was tired so she went to take shower, by that time aera was in deep sleep.... After some min. Hwa-young completed doing her night routine & layed on bed and within a sec she fell asleep

Next morning

Aera was ready to do her morning duty's that means to wake up hwa-young but after opening her room's door she saw that the bed was already empty and found hwa-young on her dressing table.
Aera was lil shocked by this sudden changes so she went near hwa-young and asked her
  " Are you ok"
"Wae what happen " Hwa-young replied
"Nothing , but today you are ready on time, is there anything special today "
"Ya "😁
" What"
"Holiday, I mean after 10 days I have to transfer to seoul Easter Jet Airways"
Oooo... I see

But aera I don't wanna leave you, I want to stay with you
It's ok hwa-young, you can call me anytime, 24x7
But aera...
Listen hwa-young, sometimes changes  in life are also important, there is always a reason for every change, not only in life but also in world
Thanks Aera, see that's the reason I love you😘soo much🥰😘
(Aera smiled at her reply)

Now learn to act like a grownup girl my lil kiddo..hwa-young, your age & behaviour doesn't match at all

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