Chapter 5

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Same day evening

Hwa-young POV
        I was taking my coffee and remembered that I have to call oppa's friend so I made a call to him

V's friend : yeubuseyo?

Hwa-young : hwa-young imnida, v's     

V's friend : ooh ya! Hii

Hwa-young : Hii, oppa said that you live in seoul  so can you help me to find apartment in seoul

V's friend : ofc, tomorrow I'm going to seoul then I will inform you coz currently I'm in busan

Hwa-young : ok no problem, btw I am also in busan

V's friend : oh that's great, then can you come for coffee so that we can meet each other

Hwa-young : good idea, I'll come but where

V's friend : how about 'wonder cafe'?

Hwa-young : ok

(Imagine evening time)

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(Imagine evening time)

Hwa-young was waiting for him to come , after 5 min he comes

"Hey hwa-young"
Hwa-young turns back and sees 👀a handsome man with perfect body and she keeps staring at him so he waves his hand in front of her eyes and she comes in sense
"What happened"
No.., nothing
"Ya , I know I am handsome, I'm habitual to it" 😆
Oo... Sry 😑
No it's ok
Btw can I ask your name
Yes ofc, myself Jimin , Park jimin
Nice name
               (They ordered coffee and some snack)

Btw why are you shifting to seoul

I had a transfer from busan to seoul Easter jet Airways as a cockpit airhostess

Jinjja! I also work in same company as a co-pilot

That's great , I am happy to work with you

Same here .... All the best for your future

Thank you 😊..... Same to you...., ok now I'll leave it's getting late

Ok bye

                   After 2 days
Hwa-young finally comes to seoul at her new apartment, it was bigger than previous one and well furnished
"He's choice is really cool " Said hwa-young
She was just resting coz next day she have to join the company

................ To be continue ....................

So that was chapter 5....hope you enjoyed it
Pls share your review and follow me for more such stories

Next chapter will be uploaded soon
So stay tuned

Bye 👋

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